
I hope you're having a good day.






ええ、「NHK実践ビジネス英語 対話力アップ ビジネス英語フレーズ800」 の暗記ですよ。




Toastmasters Clubに最近入会し、スピーチ作成に励んでいるのですが、どういったわけか、昔、本を書いたことがばれてしまいました。










http://www.facebook.com/groups/honemade/ から承認依頼をください。



NHK実践ビジネス英語 対話力アップ ビジネス英語フレーズ800 

今回のL18 Transforming a Night Owlの(3)で上田が、sleep through one's alarmしてしまう人へのアドバイスとして、新しい目覚ましを買えだの、携帯のアラーム音を変えろだのと言い、それへのサルマンズの反応が、Um, thanks, Shota.と、このUmはどういうニュアンスなのだろうと気になっておりますが、

私も最近sleep through one's alarmしてしまい、えらい目に遭いかけました。その顛末を先日、Toastmasters Clubでスピーチしましたので、原稿を大公開します。3回目のスピーチです。


I'm running in Haneda Airport at 7 a.m. Why am I running? It dates back to the previous evening.

I planned to get on an airplane from Haneda to Akita departing at 7:10 a.m.

I had to go to bed early, but I drank Sho-chu at home as usual. (ごくごく)

I set the alarm clock for 5 a.m. But, when I woke up, it was 6 a.m. I can't believe it. I have only 70 minutes.

Three minutes later, I was running to the nearest station.  Luckily, it takes only 30 minutes from the station to Haneda. 

While waiting for the train, I found that the train arrives at the airport at 6:54. It's 16 minutes before departure.

Do you know by when we have to pass the security inspection?

Yes, 15 minutes before departure.

Can I get there for only a minute? Mission Impossible!

If I miss the flight, I'll go by bullet train to Akita. Is it better to give up the flight and go to Tokyo station now? It may save time after all. Which is better decision?

I thought deeply and seriously. OK, let's try my best efforts first.

The train comes.
I got on the last car of the train, which is on JAL side in Haneda station.

In the train, I simulated my action after arriving at the airport. 

When the train arrives at the airport, I start to run. I took out my SUICA card from my wallet in order to go through the ticket gate smoothly. On the B1 floor there are two long escalators on the right and left. The right one is for Tohoku. The left one is for Kyusyu. So, I should go up the right escalator. In order to save time at the security inspection, I took out my JAL card from my wallet, and put other things in the pockets into my bag. 

SUICA card on the right hand, JAL card on the left hand. There is nothing in the pocket. I'm ready.

I stand in front of the door in advance. The train arrives at the Haneda airport domestic terminal. Doors open.
Ready Go! I run up the stairs, pass the ticket gate with my SUICA card smoothly, run up the long escalator to B1 floor. I see two escalators ahead of me. I make sure the right one is for Tohoku, I run up on the right one. I arrive at the security inspection. Inspection of flight to Akita had already closed. But I don't give up. I appeal to an officer nearby. 

I'm in a hurry! 
Use the priority lane on the very left. 
Thank you!

I check in with my JAL card and go through the metal detector without any problem. 

So far so good.

The gate is No.17. Now I am on the home stretch. I pass Gate 15.  Another 200 meters to Gate 16. Another 200 meters to Gate 17. I can see the line of people boarding. I ask the last person in the line. Is this for Akita? Yes, it is.

I did it. Mission complete. 

Somehow, I survived it, but I don't want this to happen again.

So, let me share with you three lessons I learned from this experience. After my speech you will learn what you can do for not missing an airplane.

Firstly, prepare two alarm clocks.

I used only one. You will feel easy if you have two alarm clocks. 

It would be a good idea to use your smart phone as a second clock.

Secondly, refrain from drinking on the previous night.

I drank on the night before and I think it was the biggest reason I overslept.

They say nightcap helps you fall asleep easier, but it also makes your sleep shallower. And you may wake up in the middle of the night. Or you may oversleep like I did.

Lastly, take a decent time flight.

Early morning flights have high risks of missing.
The flight at 7 a.m. was too early for me. I should have taken flight at around 9 a.m. so that I could get up at usual time.

I summarize my speech today. 

I shared three tips for not missing an airplane.
You prepare two alarm clocks,
you don't drink on the previous night, 
and you take a decent time flight anyway.

I hope you will not run in the airport in the early morning like me.

Thank you.

Have a good rest of the day.


★raring to, しきりに...したがって、...しようとうずうずして

People are bright, cheerful and raring to go first thing in the morning.

★bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, やる気満々で、元気いっぱいの

We have to appear bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first thing in the morning.

★sleep through one's alarm, 目覚ましの音に気づかずに寝過ごす

Do you ever sleep through your alarm in the morning?

★sleep in, 遅くまで起きている、朝寝坊する

Staying up late on Friday night and sleeping in the following morning.

★know better than to, ...するほど愚かではない、...にしないくらいの分別はある

I know better than to sleep on the subway in New York. It's too dangerous.

I hope you're having a good day.





最近、AlphaGoよりも強い、AlphaGo Zeroが開発され、AlphaGoに完勝しました。機械同士の頂上決戦です。いやあ、AIの世界は展開が早い。

AlphaGoはグーグル ディープマインド社が開発したものですが、そのグーグルの翻訳アプリ、グーグル翻訳がすごいんです。












To understand the potential of these new systems, it helps to know how current machine translation works. 

The current de facto standard is Google Translate, a system that covers 103 languages(中略). 

Google's system uses human-supervised neural networks that compare parallel texts-books and articles that have been previously translated by humans. 

By comparing extremely large amounts of these parallel texts, Google Translate learns the equivalences between any two given languages, thus acquiring the ability to quickly translate between them. 

Sometimes the translations are funny or don't really capture the original meaning but, in general, they are functional and, overtime, they're getting better and better.



グーグル翻訳(Google Translate)アプリのダウンロードはこちらから。無料です。



Have a good rest of the day.

★make the list, リストに載る

This is the fourth straight year that we've made the list.

★twist to, ...に加えられた展開[工夫、ひねり]

The maternity concierge service is the latest twist to the basic concierge program.

★The stakes are high. 大きな賭けである。

The stakes are high.

★be curious to, ...したがっている、...したくてたまらない

I'm curious to know what the situation is in Japan.

★explore, (可能性などを)検討する[探る]

Our concierges receive inquiries from employees exploring the service.

I hope you're having a good day.

最近スピーチ力向上と、ICEEのCritical Resopnse力向上のために、Toastmasters Clubに入会しました。今回は二回目のスピーチ原稿をシェアします。

Title:JAL Dokokani-Mairu

Last month, I went on a trip to Miyazaki in Kyusyu.
Why Miyazaki? You will know soon.

At night, I was enjoying chicken at the counter of a local chicken izakaya.

A man sat next to me. He looked like a traveler so I asked him, 

"Where did you come from?"

"From Tokyo."

"Me, too. Business or vacation?"


"Me, too."

I was a little bit surprised as Miyazaki is not a popular tourist destination these days. So I asked him, 

"Why did you choose Miyazaki?"

"I didn't choose Miyazaki by myself, but I came with a service called Dokokani-Mairu of JAL."

"Dokokani-Mairu! Me, too!"

I love Dokokani-mairu. Dokokani-Mairu is a part of JAL mileage service. I'll show you three reasons why I love this service.

Firstly, it is cheap.

Dokokani-Mairu costs only 6,000 miles round trip. Usually it costs 12,000 miles. It's a bargain.

Secondly, you don't decide the destination.
Who decides? JAL does.

JAL gives you four candidate destinations. Like Osaka, Sapporo, Fukuoka, and Hiroshima.

You can reload browser to get another four candidate destinations, like Aomori, Sapporo, Tokushima, Naha.

You can reload as many times as you want.

Then JAL selects one destination out of four and let you know by email the next day.

I feel so excited to wait for the email from JAL that I cannot focus on my work in the office.

That's a fun part of this service.

Lastly, Dokokani-Mairu service gives you serendipity. 

You might go to the countryside like Miyazaki and you might not be interested in the place. 

But I'm sure you will have unexpected pleasant surprises in your trip. That's serendipity. 

Here is what I experienced in this trip to Miyazaki.

When I was driving to the south along Nichinan-kaigan Coast, I found a road sign about Udo-jingu Shrine. 

I didn't know anything about the shrine but I thought it might be interesting. So, I went to the shrine.

The shrine was in a cave on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was spectacular. 

There were breast shaped rocks in the cave wall which are said to have nourished Emperor Jimmu. 

Sound interesting? This was an unexpected surprise for me.

For those who are not interested in unexpected surprise, there is another way of enjoying Dokokani-mairu.

Do you remember the guy whom I met at chicken izakaya? 

I wanted to exchange some sightseeing infomration with him. So I asked him,

"Hey, today I went to Udo Jingu shrine and tomorrow I'm going to Saitobaru to see ancient burial mounds, or Kofun. Where are you going to go tomorrow?"

"I'll not go anywhere. Just relax in a cafe."

"Do nothing, just relax in a cafe." How elegant it is to do nothing on a trip!

Anyway I gave you three reasons why I love Dokokani-Mairu service. 

I recommend this service to people who like mystery tours, or who want to go on a trip but don't know where to go, or who are stressed out and just want to relax in a faraway town.

Have you become to want to try this service? 

Thank you.

残念ながらBest speaker Awardは取れませんでしたが、がんばって暗唱しました。

Have a good rest of the day.

★reciprocate, お返しをする、報いる

We will reciprocate and tell them all about our relatioinship situation.

★socioeconomic status, 社会経済上の地位(収入、教育水準、職業、住居などから測る)

It's bad form to talk about your socioeconomic status in the office.

★beg the question, 疑問を投げかける、問題を提起する

All this begs the question: what should I say if people ask me these kinds of questions at work?

★ruminate, あれこれ思い巡らす、深く考える

We ruminate about bad experiences instead of thinking about positive ones.

★antidote, 対抗手段、対処法、解毒剤

One of the best antidotes to worrying is curiosity.

月別 アーカイブ


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