【ビジ英徹底復習】2017 06 L5 Fostering Soft Skills 456 ★ Homework teaches soft skills. Is it true?

Homework teaches soft skills. Is it true?

I think it is partly true. Homework may teach self-management and punctuality. But I don't think it teaches communication or teamwork because homework is individual work, not group work. In my humble opinion, the main purpose of homework is a supplement to class in terms of academic study.
When I was in the US, a Japanese colleague of mine told me that the amount of homework of their children attending the local school was very large, and he often had to help out his children to do their homework. The parents' burden seemed to be far more than that of schools in Japan. In that sense, the tutorial group that Collins participates as a volunteer will help busy parents.
This lesson says it is difficult to find the best way to teach soft skills. I don't know the best way but at least we can learn soft skills. For example, my company offers employees some training classes about soft skills.
Recently I took a training class on how to facilitate a meeting. I learned several techniques such as creating detailed agenda beforehand and active listening, which includes listening attentively, asking questions to confirm what others say. These are useful techniques and I've been trying to use them in the office.


if memory serves
Any takers?
bone up
come out against
stand someone in good stead
be conducive to


One school here in New York caused a bit of a stir a while back when it did away with homework altogether.

Despite what our common sense tells us, it's hard to quantify soft skills.

Soft skills are more in demand than ever these days because of the way the economy is changing.

Workers that remain on the payroll need to handle a wider range of responsibilities.

Homework helps students burnish a wide range of skills.

I don't know how many rambling presentations I've sat through in my life.

★cause a bit a stir, ちょっとした騒ぎを引き起こす、いささか物議を醸す

One school here in New York caused a bit of a stir a while back when it did away with homework altogether.

★despite what A does, Aが...するにもかかわらず、Aは...するけれども

Despite what our common sense tells us, it's hard to quantify soft skills.

★be more in demand than ever, かつてないほど求められている

Soft skills are more in demand than ever these days because of the way the economy is changing.

★remain on the payroll, 会社に雇用され続ける

Workers that remain on the payroll need to handle a wider range of responsibilities.

★burnish, 磨く、研ぐ

Homework helps students burnish a wide range of skills.

★rambling, 要領を得ない、とりとめのない

I don't know how many rambling presentations I've sat through in my life.


if memory serves, 記憶が正しければ、記憶によれば
Any takers? 引き受けて[答えられる人]はいますか。
bone up, 熱心に勉強する
come out against, ...に反対する意見を表明する
stand someone in good stead, (人)に役立つ
be conducive to, ...を促す、...の助けになる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2017年6月25日 10:10に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2017 06 L5 Fostering Soft Skills 123 ★  成長したければ、自分より頭いい人とつきあいなさい」です。

