【ビジ英徹底復習】201703 L23 Money Matters 456 ★ お金の教育







less than comfortable
get into the habit of
see right through
basic necessities
flash lots of money


He started peeling off bills as he explained how much money went for food, utilities, the monthly mortgage payment, our church tithe, etc., etc.

My mother and father kept my siblings and me blissfully ignorant of our family's finances.

I had a paper route, cut the neighbor's lawns, flipped burgers when I was in high school.

You see how hard people work, and how rude and unthinking people can be to them.

Class is a state of mind, not money.

Once it was gone, she didn't get any more until her next allowance rolled around.

★peel off, (紙幣)を(束の上のほうから)めくリ取る

He started peeling off bills as he explained how much money went for food, utilities, the monthly mortgage payment, our church tithe, etc., etc.

★blissfully ignorant of, ...を何も知らずにのほほんとして

My mother and father kept my siblings and me blissfully ignorant of our family's finances.

★have a paper route, 新聞配達をする

I had a paper route, cut the neighbor's lawns, flipped burgers when I was in high school.

★rude and unthinking, 無礼で配慮を欠いた

You see how hard people work, and how rude and unthinking people can be to them.

★state of mind, 心の持ちよう、精神状態

Class is a state of mind, not money.

★roll around, 巡ってくる

Once it was gone, she didn't get any more until her next allowance rolled around.


less than comfortable, 決して心地よくない
get into the habit of, ...の習慣を身につける
see right through, ...を見抜く、...を見破る
impertinent, 生意気な、出しゃばりの
basic necessities, 基本的な(生活)必需品
flash lots of money, 大金をちらつかせる[見せびらかす]

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2017年3月25日 09:51に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201703 L23 Money Matters 123 ★ A LIFEの寿司屋の大将に学ぶ仕事術」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201703 L24 Golden Years 123 ★ 徳島」です。
