【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/1 To Tip or Not to Tip 1,2,3 ★ ホワイトサンズ


大雪の翌日は朝6時から、近くの Cafeで Menudo (メキシコ風モツ煮込み) をいただき、ホワイトサンズへ出発です。今日は晴れました。

Menudo (日本のモツ煮込みのほうが美味しい)












ホワイトサンズの後、ホワイトサンズ ミサイル博物館に寄りました。ホワイトサンズには米軍のミサイル発射場があるのです。ミサイル発射実験の際は、ホワイトサンズの公園が閉鎖になります。






ファットマン in ミサイルパーク


空港でレンタカーを返し、再び Uber で Amtrak駅へ移動、おされなタパスレストランで遅い昼食をとり、午後3時過ぎの Sunset Limited号に乗り込みました。

エルパソでの48時間の滞在はこれでおわり。メキシカンな街、そしてホワイトサンズの白い砂をあとに、Sunset Limited号は次の下車地、テキサス州のサンアントニオに向けて出発です。


Amtrak に乗るときの会話

車掌 where are you going?

私 San Antonio.

車掌 by yourself?

私 by myself.


私 Happy new year.

運転手 Likewise.


the most daunting challenge
for want of a better word
yesterday's news
in the twinkling of an eye
economize during tough times
Money doesn't grow on trees.
go hand-in-hand
make it
social conscience
self-centers materialist
not ...  by any means


I am well and truly ticked off!

How dare they!

Whoa, whoa.

What's got you in such a state?

I can't believe the nerve of the people in the coffee shop I went to after lunch.

That's a highway robbery.

That works out to choosing between tips of, let's see, 40 percent, 80 percent or 120 percent respectively.

New York City taxi passengers paying with plastic are confronted with buttons for 20 percent, 24 percent or 30 percent.

I don't have any complaints in that department.

It's the whole tipping business that's left a bitter aftertaste.

Tipping used to be left to customer's discretion, but these days it's more or less obligatory.

They got a lot of flak for asking guests to leave behind tips for housekeepers in specially prepared envelopes.

The guests were right to complain.

If the management wanted its staff to earn more, they should put their money where their mouth is, and simply pay better wages.

Suggesting that their customers do that for them just isn't on, at least in my book.

This is all part of what some people are calling a "tip creep."

Last weekend I went with some friends to a restaurant where the service was glacially slow.

I'm going to hazard a guess that the food was nothing to write home about either.

So was your tip on the small side?

In fact, it was a big fat goose egg. As in zilch.

Not many people would have the guts to do that.

I just believe in getting real value for my hard-earned money.

★well and truly, まったく、完全に
★be ticked off, 原を立てている、頭にきている

I am well and truly ticked off!

★How dare they! よくもそんなことを! 信じられない!

How dare they!

★Whoa, whoa. 止まれ。待ってください。ドウ、ドウ。

Whoa, whoa.

★in a state, いらだって、興奮状態で、動揺して

What's got you in such a state?

★nerve, 厚かましさ、ずうずうしさ、度胸

I can't believe the nerve of the people in the coffee shop I went to after lunch.

★highway robbery, 法外な料金の請求、ぼったくり、追いはぎ

That's a highway robbery.

★work out to, ...ということになる

That works out to choosing between tips of, let's see, 40 percent, 80 percent or 120 percent respectively.

★pay with plastic, カードで払う

New York City taxi passengers paying with plastic are confronted with buttons for 20 percent, 24 percent or 30 percent.

★in that department, その点では

I don't have any complaints in that department.

★the whole tipping business, チップというやっかいなこと
★ leave a bitter aftertaste, 悪い印象 [後味の悪さ] を残す

It's the whole tipping business that's left a bitter aftertaste.

★left to someone's discretion, (人)の判断に任された
★more or less obligatory, 事実上義務的な

Tipping used to be left to customer's discretion, but these days it's more or less obligatory.

more or lessは、多かれ少なかれ と覚えていましたが、事実上、という意味なのですね。


If something is more or less true, it is true in a general way, but is not completely true.


★get a lot of flak for, ...について相当非難される

They got a lot of flak for asking guests to leave behind tips for housekeepers in specially prepared envelopes.

★be right to, もっともなことである

The guests were right to complain.

★put one's money where one's mouth is, 口で言うだけでなく行動で示す

If the management wanted its staff to earn more, they should put their money where their mouth is, and simply pay better wages.

★be not on, 受け入れられない
★in someone's book, (人)の考えでは

Suggesting that their customers do that for them just isn't on, at least in my book.

★tip creep, チップが次第に上昇すること

This is all part of what some people are calling a "tip creep."

★glacially slow, (氷河の進行のように)とんでもないほど遅い

Last weekend I went with some friends to a restaurant where the service was glacially slow.

★hazard a guess, 見当をつける、当て推量をする
★nothing to write home about, 取り立てて言うほどでないこと、話にもならないこと

I'm going to hazard a guess that the food was nothing to write home about either.

★on the small side, 小さめで、少なめで

So was your tip on the small side?

★goose egg, (ガチョウの卵の形に見立てて)ゼロ
★zilch, ゼロ、無

In fact, it was a big fat goose egg. As in zilch.

★have the guts to, ...する根性がある

Not many people would have the guts to do that.

★hard-earned, 苦労してやっと手に入れた、苦労して稼いだ

I just believe in getting real value for my hard-earned money.

このbelieve in は、価値を信じる、という意味ですね。


the most daunting challenge, 最大級の難題
for want of a better word, ほかに適当なことばがないので
yesterday's news, 古い話
in the twinkling of an eye, 瞬く間に、あっという間に
economize during tough times, 生活が苦しい間は倹約する
Money doesn't grow on trees. 金のなる木はない。
go hand-in-hand, 密接な関係がある
make it, 成功する、うまくやり遂げる
social conscience, 社会的良識
self-centers materialist, 自己中心的な物質主義者
not ...  by any means, 決して...ではない

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2016年2月 1日 12:42に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/1 Generation Z Rising 4,5,6 ★ エルパソ」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/1 To Tip or Not to Tip 4,5,6 ★ オースティン」です。
