【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/5 Generation Gap in the Workplace 4,5,6 ★ 音読継続中




題材は、実践ビジネス英語のテキストからは、ビニエット以外にも、Listening Challenge、Our Magical Worldまで範囲を広げています。



Don't sweat it.
what makes someone tick
yours truly
or thereabouts
social conscience
not think twice about


What dose that lead to?

They may pick up new technology skills and begin to embrace work-life balance.

In the world at large, older workers are often dismissive of younger workers' abilities.

Younger workers feel like the old guys are out of touch.

The members of different generations have to cut each other some slack, in other words.

I think a word of caution is in order here.

Often the big challenge is getting the generations to see past their biases and learn to work together toward a common objective.

Management encourages harmonious collaboration by creating diversity and fostering cohesiveness within the workplace.

When a new project comes up, leaders try to organize teams that draw from a cross section of all generation, based on skills rather than age.


★What dose that lead to? そこからどんなことが起きますか。

What dose that lead to?

★pick up, (技術などを)身につける

They may pick up new technology skills and begin to embrace work-life balance.


★at large, 全体として
★dismissive of, ...に否定的で、...を見下して、...を拒否して、...をはねつけて

In the world at large, older workers are often dismissive of younger workers' abilities.

★be out of touch, 事情に疎い

Younger workers feel like the old guys are out of touch.

★cut someone some slack, (人)を大目にみる、(人)に理解を示す

The members of different generations have to cut each other some slack, in other words.

★a word of caution, 注意(点)、警告
★be in order, 必要である、ふさわしい

I think a word of caution is in order here.

★see past, ...を無視する、...に惑わされない

Often the big challenge is getting the generations to see past their biases and learn to work together toward a common objective.

★cohesiveness, 結束、まとまり

Management encourages harmonious collaboration by creating diversity and fostering cohesiveness within the workplace.

★draw from, ...から引き抜く
★cross section of, ...の断面図、...の代表的な例

When a new project comes up, leaders try to organize teams that draw from a cross section of all generation, based on skills rather than age.


Don't sweat it. 心配しないで。気にしないで。
stereotype, 固定的な見方をする、型どおりに扱う
inquisitive, 好奇心の強い、しきりに知りたがる
world view, 世界観
untangle, 解決する
no-nonsense, まじめな、実際的な、事務的な
slacker, スラッカー、いい加減な人、怠け者
what makes someone tick (人)を行動させる動機 [理由]
yours truly, 私(自身)
or thereabouts, ...やその近辺、...くらい、およそ...
sprout, 若者、青年
social conscience, 社会的良心
not think twice about, ...についてちゅうちょしない、...をためらわない 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2016年5月29日 08:40に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/5 Generation Gap in the Workplace 4,5,6 ★ 」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/5 Bike Month and Keeping it Safe 1,2,3 ★ 音読の状況報告」です。
