【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/11 America's Declining Mall Culture 1,2,3 ★ モールの衰退



インターネットで見つけたのが PBS Newshour の Once temples of American commerce, indoor malls lose shoppers to e-storesという番組。



PBS Newshourは、動画に加えてスクリプトもありますので聞いてみてください。

wish someone luck
be taken aback
Old habits die hard.
conspicuous consumption
work out to
burn someone up
wipe out world hunger four times over
toss out
international ramifications


It's hard to believe that Black Friday will be upon us again soon.

People were descending on retailers to snap up bargains in last year's annual shop-till-you-drop frenzy.

They're turning it on its head and calling it Buy Nothing Day.

Malls came into their own in the 1950s and 1960s.

What's the story there?

They're not throwing around so much money these days.

They got a negative vibe from the young punks with baggy pants.

That undercut the rationale for malls.

★be upon us again soon, 間もなくまたやってくる

It's hard to believe that Black Friday will be upon us again soon.

★descend on, ...に押しかける
★snap up bargains, 先を争って特売品を買う
★shop-till-you-drop frenzy, 買い物三昧の大騒ぎ

People were descending on retailers to snap up bargains in last year's annual shop-till-you-drop frenzy.

★turn something on its head, ...をひっくり返す

They're turning it on its head and calling it Buy Nothing Day.

★come into one's own, 本領を発揮する

Malls came into their own in the 1950s and 1960s.

★What's the story there? そこにはどんな事情があるのですか。

★throw around money, お金を浪費する

They're not throwing around so much money these days.

★get a negative vibe from, ...から嫌な印象を受ける
★young punk, 不良少年

They got a negative vibe from the young punks with baggy pants.

★undercut, 効力を弱める
★rationale, 存在理由

That undercut the rationale for malls.


wish someone luck, (人)に幸運を祈る
be taken aback, 驚く、びっくりする
Old habits die hard. 古い習慣はなかなかなくならない。
conspicuous consumption, 顕示的消費
work out to, (金額などが)...と算定される、結局...になる
staggering, 莫大な、驚くほどの
burn someone up, (人)をかんかんに怒らせる
wipe out world hunger four times over, 世界の飢餓を4度一掃する
toss out, ...を投げ捨てる
airlift, 空輸する
international ramifications, 国際的影響、国際問題

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年11月21日 12:59に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/10 Reducing Food Waste 4,5,6 ★ The Martian」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/11 America's Declining Mall Culture 4,5,6 ★ Sushi in the US」です。
