【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/9 Defusing Bullying 4,5,6 ★ Tomboy


近所の公共図書館の漫画コーナーで見つけたTomboy(Liz Prince著)というコミックを読み終えたところです。

a graphic memoirという副題となっており、コミック形式をとった自叙伝となっています。

tomboyは、辞書では「おてんば娘 」とあります。著者の女性は子供の頃から女の子の服を着るのがいやで男の子のような格好をしていました。



というgender indentityのお話でした。アメリカの学校の様子もわかっておもしろかったです。





modesty, 謙虚
turn a blind eye to
childhood rite of passage
Don't I know it.
make life hell for
take a lot of guts to
face down
be wired on adrenaline


And don't ignore pleas for help from the victims.

We should be able to tell the difference between that and kids who are in genuine emotional distress.

If you abuse your authority in any organization you are basically a bully, no matter how you dress it up.

The people who conducted the survey defined bullying as " repeated abusive conduct that is threatening, intimidating, humiliating, work sabotage or work abuse."

We'll make it very clear that people can report bullying in confidence and that they won't suffer any negative consequences for doing so.

This kind of problem is swept under the carpet too often. It's better to face it head-on.

To be fair to HR staff, it can be quite difficult to determine whether bullying is taking place, unless you have intimate knowledge of the situation, or are on the scene when it happens.

★plea for help, 助けを求めること

 And don't ignore pleas for help from the victims.

★in genuine distress, 本当に苦しんでいて

We should be able to tell the difference between that and kids who are in genuine emotional distress.

★abuse one's authority, 職権を乱用する
★no matter how dress something up, いくらうわべを取り繕っても

If you abuse your authority in any organization you are basically a bully, no matter how you dress it up.

★abusive conduct, 虐待行為
★work sabotage, 労働妨害

The people who conducted the survey defined bullying as " repeated abusive conduct that is threatening, intimidating, humiliating, work sabotage or work abuse."

★in confidence, 内々に、内密に、秘密に
★negative consequences, マイナスの結果

We'll make it very clear that people can report bullying in confidence and that they won't suffer any negative consequences for doing so.

★sweep under the carpet, (問題などを)隠す
★face something head-on, ...に真正面から向き合う

This kind of problem is swept under the carpet too often. It's better to face it head-on.

★to be fair, 公平を期するために言うが
★have intimate knowledge of, ...を熟知している
★be on the scene, 現場にいる

To be fair to HR staff, it can be quite difficult to determine whether bullying is taking place, unless you have intimate knowledge of the situation, or are on the scene when it happens.


civic-minded, 公共心のある
become, (人に)似合う
modesty, 謙虚
turn a blind eye to, ...に対して見て見ぬふりをする
childhood rite of passage, 子供時代の通過儀礼
garbage, くだらない考え
Don't I know it. そんなことは知っている
exploit, 不当に利用する
make life hell for, (人)を苦しめる、(人)をひどい目に遭わせる
take a lot of guts to, ...するにはかなりの勇気がいる
face down, ...に立ち向かう
nasty, たちの悪い
be wired on adrenaline, アドレナリンで興奮している
pernicious, 悪質な、有害な、致命的な

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年10月 3日 13:31に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/9 Defusing Bullying 1,2,3 ★ catography」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/10 Breakfast Styles 1,2,3 ★ on your left」です。
