【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/10 Breakfast Styles 1,2,3 ★ on your left


〜 on your left 〜

自転車に乗っていると、後ろから on your left と声をかけられ、左側を追い抜かれるという経験をして以来、自分も追い抜く時は on you left と声かけしています。

先日サンフランシスコの Golden Gate Park 内にある Japanese Tea Garden に行った時の話です。

この Garden にあるお茶屋では、日本庭園を眺めながら日本茶が一杯4ドルというびっくり価格で楽しめます。

そこでコーヒーとサンドウィッチという日本庭園に似つかわしくないメニューを食べていたところ、後ろの方で on your left という店員の声が聞こえました。

え? と思い、振り返ると、店員がお客さんの左側からserveしているのです。

on your left.  = 左から失礼します。


Japanese Tea Garden

plea for help
in  genuine distress
abuse one's authority
no matter how dress something up
abusive conduct
work sabotage
in confidence
negative consequences
sweep under the carpet
face something head-on
to be fair
have intimate knowledge of
be on the scene


I had my regulation smoothie and bowl of granola bright and early too.

One thing that's come up on our radar is Japanese breakfasts.

That's where you come in, Seiji.

Sure. Fire away.

Even hardcore devotees of Japanese cuisine often draw the line when it comes to breakfast.

Let me run some numbers by you.

It might be a little too much of a leap for them.

Sometimes they're accompanied by an egg - raw or boiled - and nori or dried seaweed.

It's stringy and can give off an aroma like a Limburger cheese that's been left out too long.

It makes its presence known, that's for sure.

The average lifespan of Japanese women is 86 years.

You can't argue with numbers like those.

It's made by adding bacterial cultures to milk.

Sweet-toothed Americans have traditionally recoiled at the rather tangy taste of the real thing.

We've gone off yogurt concoction.

The strained yogurt that's generically known as Greek yogurt has taken off in popularity.

★regulation, お決まりの、いつもの
★bright and early, 朝早くに

I had my regulation smoothie and bowl of granola bright and early too.

★come up on someone's radar (screen), (人)の視野に入る[関心の的になる、頭に浮かぶ]

One thing that's come up on our radar is Japanese breakfasts.

★where I come in, 私の出番だ

That's where you come in, Seiji.

★Fire away, なんでも質問してください

Sure. Fire away.

★hardcore devotee, 熱烈な愛好家
★draw the line, 一線を画す

Even hardcore devotees of Japanese cuisine often draw the line when it comes to breakfast.

★run ... by someone, (人)に(意見を求めて)...の話をする

Let me run some numbers by you.

★too much of a leap, 飛躍しすぎた、かけ離れすぎた

It might be a little too much of a leap for them.

★be accompanied by, ...が付く

Sometimes they're accompanied by an egg - raw or boiled - and nori or dried seaweed.

★stringy, 糸を引く、ねばねばする
★give off,(におい、熱など)を発する [出す] 
★Limburger cheese, リンバーガーチーズ(鼻をつくような特有のにおいで有名)
★be left out too long, あまりにも長く放置されている

It's stringy and can give off an aroma like a Limburger cheese that's been left out too long.

★make one's presence known, 自分の必要を印象づける、自分の存在感を示す [知らしめる]

It makes its presence known, that's for sure.

★average lifespan, 平均寿命

The average lifespan of Japanese women is 86 years.

★You can't argue with, ...に異議はありません。

You can't argue with numbers like those.

★bacterial culture, 培養菌

It's made by adding bacterial cultures to milk.

★sweet-toothed, 甘い物好きの
★recoil, たじろぐ、ひるむ、後ずさりする
★tangy taste of the real thing, 本物にある酸っぱさ

Sweet-toothed Americans have traditionally recoiled at the rather tangy taste of the real thing.

★go off, ...に飽きる

We've gone off yogurt concoction.

★strained yogurt, 水分を取り除いたヨーグルト
★generically known as, 一般に...として知られる
★take off in popularity, 人気が出る

The strained yogurt that's generically known as Greek yogurt has taken off in popularity.



plea for help, 助けを求めること
in  genuine distress, 本当に苦しんでいて
abuse one's authority, 職権を乱用する
no matter how dress something up, いくらうわべを取り繕っても
abusive conduct, 虐待行為
work sabotage, 労働妨害
in confidence, 内々に、内密に、秘密に
negative consequences, マイナスの結果
sweep under the carpet, (問題などを)隠す
face something head-on, ...に真正面から向き合う
to be fair, 公平を期するために言うが
have intimate knowledge of, ...を熟知している
be on the scene, 現場にいる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年10月18日 14:05に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/9 Defusing Bullying 4,5,6 ★ Tomboy」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2015/10 Breakfast Styles 4,5,6 ★ Orlando」です。
