実践ビジネス英語 2015/4 Bilingual Advantage 4,5,6 ★ シンプルな方法




1. 自分の興味のある分野を決める。

2. その分野のオーディアブックやMP3音声データとテキストを入手する。

3. 日中にそれを「ながら聞き」する。

4. 一日の終わりにテキストを見て単語表現を確認する。

5. 違うトピックでこれを毎日行う。







3.実践ビジネス英語 2015/4 Bilingual Advantage 4,5,6


Awesome is what I call it
have a solid grounding in
put one's foot down about


 I can order an haute cuisine meal in a fancy-schmancy French restaurant.

How far do you have to go to reap the benefits of being bilingual?

I hope I'm not bursting a bubble here, but no.

Does that give me an advantage over members of the hoi polloi who don't know the difference between an entree and an aperitif?

I can get by in French. But since hardly ever have a chance to speak it, I don't consider myself trilingual.

I'm amazed how many Japanese words crop up in our daily conversation these days.

How about that. Learn something new every day.


★haute cuisine meal, 高級フランス料理の食事

 I can order an haute cuisine meal in a fancy-schmancy French restaurant.


ex) @rissadee meet 4 lunch or dinner here? MT @cntraveller: 2 new restaurants offer haute cusine & the best views in London http://bit.ly/OhNas5

★reap the benefits of, ...の恩恵を享受する

How far do you have to go to reap the benefits of being bilingual?

ex) Top your greens with this one item and reap *huge* benefits http://on.self.com/1FyNIAf


★burst a bubble, 夢を壊す

I hope I'm not bursting a bubble here, but no.

ex) How girls pretend they play video games vs. how they really play. Sorry to burst your bubble, guys. :)

★hoi polloi, 一般大衆

Does that give me an advantage over members of the hoi polloi who don't know the difference between an entree and an aperitif?

ex) Early morning excursion to the Tulum ruins by the sea to get there before the hoi polloi. Stunning.

★get by in French, フランス語でどうにかやっていく

I can get by in French. But since hardly ever have a chance to speak it, I don't consider myself trilingual.

ex) Can you actually hack your sleep to get by on fewer hours? A professional appraisal: http://f-st.co/XQyXu1g

★crop up; (思いがけず)出現する

I'm amazed how many Japanese words crop up in our daily conversation these days.

ex) Anti-Hillary posters crop up in cities across U.S. just hours after her announcement http://redalert.io/1zb2fQr via @mchalfant16

★How about that. それは驚きです。それは素晴らしい。

How about that. Learn something new every day.

ex) How about that @ShannonBoxx7!?! Incredible. Congrats on a 4th #WWC at the young age of 37 you rockstar.


Awesome is what I call it, それこそまさにすごい
have a solid grounding in, ...のしっかりとした基礎知識がある
put one's foot down about, ...について強硬な態度をとる
brain-stretcher, 脳の力を伸長するもの

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年5月 7日 13:29に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2015/4 Bilingual Advantage 1,2,3 ★ <ビジ英の新年度が開始>、他」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2015/4 A Quiet Environment 1,2,3 ★ いま、おすすめしたいリスニング対策メルマガ」です。
