実践ビジネス英語 2015/3 Golden Years in Latin America 1,2,3 ★ Blossoms in the desert


先日来のマイブームである日系アメリカ人の強制収用の件の続きです。San JoseにあるJapanese American Museum of San Joseに行った際、Blossoms in the desertという本を買っており、ぽつりぽつりと読んでおります。

Fred Korematsuも収容されたアリゾナのTopazキャンプ内の高校の1945年度の卒業生による回顧録です。同窓会に集まった同窓生がキャンプでの高校生活を記録に残すべきと考え、卒業後60年経ってから出版されました。





3.実践ビジネス英語 2015/3 Golden Years in Latin America 1,2,3


stomach ailment
steer clear of
take the chance


Mom and Dad have kind of soured on the place since their bitter experience with those con men last year.

They're touring Latin America as we speak.

They want somewhere with a pleasant climate where their money will go further.

More and more retired Americans are pulling stakes and heading for the sunny south.

They're buzzed about possibly spending their golden years in a Latin American country.

Mom and Dad have started studying Spanish and are boning up on the history of the region.

I don't have much time for expats who feel they're above learning the local lingo and mixing with the natives.

They plan to live in their country of choice for six months or so to get the lay of the land.

Who knew?

Here's another factoid that will surprise you.


★sour on, ...に嫌気がさす、...に幻滅する

Mom and Dad have kind of soured on the place since their bitter experience with those con men last year.

ex) VIDEO: CNN: Democrats Around The Country Sour On Hillary Clinton

★as we speak, こうしている間にも

They're touring Latin America as we speak.

ex) Interesting...all my accounts (FB, fsq, twitter) are being hacked as we speak. I got requests from all to change my password.

★go further, もっと使いでがある、もっと長持ちする

They want somewhere with a pleasant climate where their money will go further.

ex) These frugality tips can keep you on track for years to come and make your money go further.

★pull up stakes, 転居する、住みかを引き払う

More and more retired Americans are pulling stakes and heading for the sunny south.

ex) Goodbye NYC!! It was a short but oh so sweet visit. Strike tents, pull the stakes up...

strike tents(テントを立て=来て), pull the stakes up(杭を抜く=去る)

★be buzzed about, ...で興奮している

They're buzzed about possibly spending their golden years in a Latin American country.

ex) Get A Different Perspective By Watching This Buzzed-About Short Film About An Alien

buzzed-about うわさになった

★bone up on, ...について猛勉強する

Mom and Dad have started studying Spanish and are boning up on the history of the region.

ex) Bone up on foreign laws before traveling (OPINION)

★be above, ...を恥と思う、...をするのはプライドが許さない

I don't have much time for expats who feel they're above learning the local lingo and mixing with the natives.

ex) 例文見つからず

★get the lay of the land, 現地の状況を把握する

They plan to live in their country of choice for six months or so to get the lay of the land.

ex) Making a business trip to Taipei? Get the lay of the land first


★Who knew? 意外ですね。

ex) Waiting til 9 am CT to check in at #SXSW #SXSports. Who knew high tech could be so old school?

★factoid, 擬似事実、ミニ情報

Here's another factoid that will surprise you.

ex) Friday Factoid: Before email was missile mail.
1959: USPS delivered 3,000 letters by cruise missle from USS Barbero


stomach ailment, 胃腸障害
steer clear of, ...を避ける
take the chance, 危険を冒す
latecomer, 対応の遅い人、遅れて来た人

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年3月29日 03:52に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 The Woes of Traveling 4,5,6 ★ 旅の災難」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2015/3 Golden Years in Latin America 4,5,6 ★ ドードーは生きていた!?」です。
