実践ビジネス英語 Reading in the Digital Age 4,5,6 ★ 生物の第6絶滅期


最近、The Sixth Extinction : An Natural Historyという本を読んでいます。








話は変わりますが、San Franciscoの対岸にOaklandという市があります。Oakland Athleticsというメジャーリーグのチームがある街ですが、ここにあるOakland Museum of Californiaに先日行きました。

ふと、美術館、博物館系に行きたくなったので。The Sixth Extinctionを読み始めたから、なにげに博物館に行きたくなったのかもしれません。。


自然科学のフロアで、なんとThe Sixth Extinctionの本が展示(というか、読めるようになっている)されているのを見つけました。マストドンの臼歯も展示されていました。

博物館もオススメしているこの本、あなたも読んでみませんか? サイエンスが好きな方にはおすすめです。

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
3.実践ビジネス英語 Reading in the Digital Age 4,5,6


reading regime
scamper off
have the attention span of a gnat
be sucked into
hidebound traditionalist


Settling down with a good book helps you clam down and take a breather from the busy world.

People haven't yet developed the critical skills needed to sort the wheat from the chaff on the Web.

That's a staggering statistic.

When I was a kid, my parents used to get on my case for watching the idiot box instead of hunkering down and hitting the books.

It bugs me that their texting is sprinkled with spelling and grammatical errors, and the style creeps into their homework.

Modern kids seem to be averse to using capital letters, like at the beginning of sentences.

This rapid spread of mobile digital devices requires a re-examination of the roles and responsibilities.

Many people are concerned that young children's affinity and often mastery of their parent' devices could stunt the development of deep reading skills.

Now that is a disturbing thought.


★take a breather, 一息つく、一休みする

Settling down with a good book helps you clam down and take a breather from the busy world.

ex) Sometimes when I need to take a breather, I put Billy Joel's Vienna on. And then just stop, and listen.

★sort the wheat from the chaff, よいものとそうでないものを分ける

People haven't yet developed the critical skills needed to sort the wheat from the chaff on the Web.

ex) Science knows how to sort the wheat from the chaff. Sugar doesn't cause hyperactivity.


★staggering statistic, 驚異的な統計値

That's a staggering statistic.

ex) Parent Nation, I have to ask this.  Why, when we see a staggering statistic like this, which heavily impacts both...


★get on someone's case, (人)をとがめる

When I was a kid, my parents used to get on my case for watching the idiot box instead of hungering down and hitting the books.

ex) I gotta get my hair done before Jackie and Rainwater get on my case.

★hunker down, しゃがみこむ、本腰を入れる、やる気を出す

When I was a kid, my parents used to get on my case for watching the idiot box instead of hunkering down and hitting the books.

ex) Getting ready to hunker down on the couch for some serious song writing for my solo album

このhunker down the couchは、couchに腰を下ろし、というそのままの意味かな。

hunker downよりも、buckle downを使うというネイティブの意見もあります。

★creep into, (知らぬ間に)...に入り込む、...に紛れ込む

It bugs me that their texting is sprinkled with spelling and grammatical errors, and the style creeps into their homework.

ex) Then, we slowly but surely started to creep into the digital/internet age of music production around the 2000-era.


★be averse to, ...を嫌がる、...に反対である

Modern kids seem to be averse to using capital letters, like at the beginning of sentences.

ex) We are averse to financial losses, causing us to make bad decisions. Via @nprnews: Are we Wired to be Bad With Money?

★re-examination, 見直し

This rapid spread of mobile digital devices requires a re-examination of the roles and responsibilities.

ex) Life is a constant reexamination of yourself.

★affinity, 親近感、親和性

Many people are concerned that young children's affinity and often mastery of their parent' devices could stunt the development of deep reading skills.

ex) Who Killed RadioShack?:   Any American with an affinity for business icons cannot help but be saddened...

★stunt, (成長、発達を)妨げる

Many people are concerned that young children's affinity and often mastery of their parent' devices could stunt the development of deep reading skills.

ex) Smartphone, tablet overuse among toddlers may stunt development

★disturbing thought, 不穏な考え、心配事

Now that is a disturbing thought.

ex) Here's a disturbing thought, the FBI knows that there are at least 50 serial killers operating in the US right now.


reading regime, 読書スタイル
scamper off, 走り読みする、走り去る
have the attention span of a gnat, 非常に飽きっぽい
pretentious, 見栄を張った、うぬぼれた
slog, (骨の折れる長時間の)仕事
be sucked into, ...に吸い込まれる
hidebound traditionalist, 融通の利かない伝統主義者

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年2月16日 13:02に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「2015/1 Reading in the Digital Age 1,2,3 ★ Fred Korematsuをご存知ですか?」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 Honing Conversational Skills 1,2,3 ★ 猫カフェ in US」です。
