実践ビジネス英語 Honing Conversational Skills 1,2,3 ★ 猫カフェ in US


San Franciscoの対岸にOaklandという市があります。Oakland Athleticsというメジャーリーグのチームがある街ですが、ここにあるCat Town Cafeに先日行きました。

CBS SF Bay Areaの2/13/15付けの記事「How An Oakland Man Created The Nation's First Cat Cafe」( http://goo.gl/hUzpuw )でも取材されています。




さて昨年10月にオープンしたばかりのCat Town Cafeの人気は凄まじく、週末は予約をしないと入れません。一度、予約なしで行って入れず、日を改めて予約してようやく入れました。




4月にいよいよオープンと報じられている(http://goo.gl/SpRaQN )サンフランシスコの猫カフェも待ち遠しいです。

2015-02-07 15.22.28.jpg
3.実践ビジネス英語 Honing Conversational Skills 1,2,3


take a breather
sort the wheat from the chaff
staggering statistic
get on someone's case
hunker down
creep into
be averse to
disturbing thought


Honing Conversation Skills

That's a bit in-your-face, isn't it?

There's a Japanese restaurant of one kind or another on just about every block in New York.

I don't like it when people try to outspeak each other.

Americans do tend to overdo it in the verbiage department.

You need to give other people a chance to join the conversation and let them get a word in.

It comes down to basic politeness, really.

It's a time-honored ritual.

When there was a lull in the conversation, I presented my business card to everyone.

It appeared to be quite an off-putting move.

I think they thought I was going to pitch them snake oil or something.

Don't sweat it.


★hone, (技術、才能を)磨く

Honing Conversation Skills

ex) There are no shortcuts to success!.I worked 12 years to hone my skills to this point and now that I arrived, I work even harder to be better

★in-your-face, 大胆不敵な、押し付けがましい、あからさまな、けんか腰の


Someone who has an in-your-face attitude seems determined to behave in a way that is unusual or shocking, and does not care what people think of them. [INFORMAL]

That's a bit in-your-face, isn't it?

ex) Well, well - that was Monday. For a day that struts into the week ringing alarm bells in your face, it sure fades fast. :) Bye bye, now.

★of one kind or another, 何らかの

There's a Japanese restaurant of one kind or another on just about every block in New York.

ex) I am either sketching or reading, but I can always be found burying myself in books of one kind or another.
They are my fortress.

★outspeak each other, お互いに相手を言い負かす

I don't like it when people try to outspeak each other.

ex) Poetic Outspeak with Erik Estabrook" DECEMBER 2014


★in the verbiage department, 多弁という分野では

Americans do tend to overdo it in the verbiage department.

ex) I love your verbiage but I don't know what that mean

★get a word in, 口を挟む

You need to give other people a chance to join the conversation and let them get a word in.

ex) All-star panel! Proud to be a sponsor of #awnyWhatsHot. And @shlaq is even letting the panel get a word in!

★come down to basic politeness, 結局は基本的な礼儀の問題である

It comes down to basic politeness, really.

ex) Having #manners all the rage following Maj Gen James Cowan's letter to officers re basic politeness. Quite right!

Asparagus should always be eaten with the fingers and never with cutlery, unless it is in sauce. ってマナーがあるんだ。知らなかった。

★time-honored ritual, 昔からの儀式[やり方]

It's a time-honored ritual.

ex) not having a set the day before tour is a time-honored tradition

twitterでは、time-honored traditionというつながりが多かったです。

★lull in the conversation, 会話の途切れ

When there was a lull in the conversation, I presented my business card to everyone.

ex) whenever I'm on a date and there's a lull in the conversation I realise I'm not on a date and there's no talking cause I'm alone in my room

lull in the conversationというフレーズ、twitterで、とてもたくさん見つかります。英語圏でも会話の途切れは気になるようです。

★off-putting, 不快な、反感を覚えさせる

It appeared to be quite an off-putting move.

ex) MoMA's Monet Fire Sale - The institution's latest off-putting move is auctioning a Claude Monet from its... 

★snake oil, いんちき業、あてにならない話

I think they thought I was going to pitch them snake oil or something.

ex) People call me a "snake-oil salesman," & they're right! Make this Valentine's Day perfectly greasy...

★Don't sweat it. 気にすることはありません。心配無用です。

Don't sweat it.

ex) Don't sweat it or regret it, just move on and forget it.


take a breather, 一息つく、一休みする
sort the wheat from the chaff, よいものとそうでないものを分ける
staggering statistic, 驚異的な統計値
get on someone's case, (人)をとがめる
hunker down, しゃがみこむ、本腰を入れる、やる気を出す
creep into, (知らぬ間に)...に入り込む、...に紛れ込む
be averse to, ...を嫌がる、...に反対である
re-examination, 見直し
affinity, 親近感、親和性
stunt, (成長、発達を)妨げる
disturbing thought, 不穏な考え、心配事

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2015年2月23日 12:08に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 Reading in the Digital Age 4,5,6 ★ 生物の第6絶滅期」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 Honing Conversational Skills 4,5,6 ★ Fred Korematsu本にはまる」です。
