実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 A Word to the Wise 4,5,6 ★ ディクテーションまだまだ







A Word to the Wise 4
A Word to the Wise 5

2014-11-22 12.56.20.jpg
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 A Word to the Wise 4,5,6


lead an orderly, linear life
sheer spunk
A word to the wise
banish words like "awesome" and "like"
wish someone the best of luck
as far as it goes


My guess is that Jim has received scads of advice from all and sundry. 

That gives me an out if I find myself in need of advice further down the road.

I bristle when somebody comes over all superior and tells me in no uncertain terms that I should do something.

I dislike the preachy tone of some advice, no matter how well-meant it is.

That's a lesson I took to heart thanks to my manager's advice.


★scads of advice, たくさんの助言

My guess is that Jim has received scads of advice from all and sundry. 

ex) Scads of useful articles and advice about #golang in this recent Go Newletter. Signup for most recent editions

★from all and sundry, ありとあらゆる人から

My guess is that Jim has received scads of advice from all and sundry. 

ex) Parenthood: the bringer of much unsolicited advice from all and sundry. How to manage this most 'helpful' of gifts

★give someone an out, (人)に言い訳を与える

That gives me an out if I find myself in need of advice further down the road.

ex) I can't wait to start at Zumiez this week. Hopefully that'll give me an out from this job

★bristle, いらだつ、毛が逆立つ

I bristle when somebody comes over all superior and tells me in no uncertain terms that I should do something.

ex) I'm just being consistent. Didn't bristle with rage at how many white men are in Obama's cabinet; not doing the same for House GOP coms.

★come over all superior, 偉そうにする

I bristle when somebody comes over all superior and tells me in no uncertain terms that I should do something.

ex) I love that you're trying to come over all superior after misreading a simple newspaper list piece.

★in no uncertain terms, ずけずけと、はっきりと

I bristle when somebody comes over all superior and tells me in no uncertain terms that I should do something.

ex) Let's hope Microsoft, Nintendo, and Valve all also condemn Gamergate in no uncertain terms.

★well-meant, 善意の

I dislike the preachy tone of some advice, no matter how well-meant it is.

ex) My reasons for disliking people range from "they made a stupid but well meant comment" to "they are just wholly unlikeable and the worst."

well-meant, 善意からの My natural tendency is to listen to what very well may be well-meant, useful feedback. 130405

★take to heart, 肝に命じる

That's a lesson I took to heart thanks to my manager's advice.

ex) If there's one life tip, don't lie. If you want to live a long life that's something you should take to heart


obituary, (新聞などの)死亡記事[訃報欄]
lead an orderly, linear life, 穏やかで平坦な人生を送る
sheer spunk, 純粋な意欲
A word to the wise, 賢者にはひと言にして足る。
banish words like "awesome" and "like", awesomeやlikeといったことばを追放する
wish someone the best of luck, (人)の幸運を祈る
as far as it goes, 現状では

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年11月24日 04:41に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 A Word to the Wise 1,2,3 ★ ビルくん西海岸を行く」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 Analyzing Public Apologies 1,2,3 ★ Advil」です。
