実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 Analyzing Public Apologies 1,2,3 ★ Advil



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2014-11-29 14.37.01.jpg
pro forma mea culpa, 形式的に自らの過ちを認めること のmea culpaがドラマ24で出てきました。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 Analyzing Public Apologies 1,2,3


scads of advice
from all and sundry
give someone an out
come over all superior
in no uncertain terms
take to heart


There's been a spate of high-profile public apologies recently in corporate America.

They've invited defective parts, leaked email, slipups in quality control, you name it.

It seems like hardly a day goes by without some top executive having to eat humble pie.

The situations led to these public confessions of culpability.

Let's have a free-for-all brainstorming session about public apologies.

A crisis blows up in our face somewhere down the road.

Why is everyone suddenly falling over themselves to confess their sins to the world at large?

People take a kind of pleasure in hearing bad news that doesn't affect them personally.

As you may know, Japanese companies are pretty big on apologies.

If you're not careful, your words can sound hollow and further damage your public image.

Pro forma mea culpas just don't cut it.

Many people seem to think they're get-out-of-jail-free cards.

Just trot them out and all will be forgiven.

Those pat phrases lack authenticity and sincerity.


★a spate of, 多数の(悪いことに使う)

There's been a spate of high-profile public apologies recently in corporate America.

ex) A spate of anti-Palestinian hate attacks in Jerusalem and northern Israel http://www.

★slipup, 見落とし

They've invited defective parts, leaked email, slipups in quality control, you name it.

ex) Is TayTay gonna pull all her music from Yahoo now? And / or throw down with Marissa?! Kind of a major slipup.

★hardly a day goes by without,  ...がない日はほとんどない

It seems like hardly a day goes by without some top executive having to eat humble pie.

ex) I know how difficult it is. Hardly a day goes by without thinking of our Maggi. God bless!

★eat humble pie おそれいってわびる

It seems like hardly a day goes by without some top executive having to eat humble pie.

ex) Everyone makes mistakes. I eat my humble pie while it's still warm.


★culpability, 過失があること

The situations led to these public confessions of culpability.

ex) if only our society had some kind of mechanism whereby evidence of culpability could be weighed, oh well

★free-for-all, 制約なしの

Let's have a free-for-all brainstorming session about public apologies.

ex) Triumph! Wolf killing free-for-all canceled after backlash

★blow up in someone's face, 急に悪い状態になって面目をつぶす

A crisis blows up in our face somewhere down the road.

ex) Gifts for significant others that @brigittedale thinks will blow up in your face. 

★fall all over oneself, 躍起になる

Why is everyone suddenly falling over themselves to confess their sins to the world at large?

ex) Libertarians have been waiting to fall all over themselves in support of GamerGate as some legitimate movement, and it's funny as hell

★take pleasure in, 楽しむ

People take a kind of pleasure in hearing bad news that doesn't affect them personally.

ex) I take much pleasure in being alone but there is also a strange warm grace in not being alone. - Charles Bukowski

★be big on, 重視する

As you may know, Japanese companies are pretty big on apologies.

ex) Consumers seem to be big on foods in smaller packages.

★sound hollow, 空々しく聞こえる

If you're not careful, your words can sound hollow and further damage your public image.

ex) "We must come to realize that unless our love is demonstrated in practical terms our gospel will sound hollow & unconvincing." - I. Magalit

★not cut it, うまくいかない
Pro forma mea culpas just don't cut it.

ex) Plain waffles just don't cut it now that we've tried Coconut Waffles with Pomegranate Syrup


★get-out-of-jail-free card, 刑務所釈放カード

Many people seem to think they're get-out-of-jail-free cards.

ex) murder is murder, having a badge shouldn't be a get out of jail free card.


★trot out, (古びた文句などを)得意げに持ち出す 

Just trot them out and all will be forgiven.

ex) At this point, if you trot out the "black on black crime" trope, I'm going to assume that you're willfully ignorant and brain deficient.


★pro forma mea culpa, 形式的に自らの過ちを認めること

Pro forma mea culpas just don't cut it.

ex) Pro forma mea culpa. The modern [non]apology.

この言い回し、twitterでもほぼ見つけられません。pro formaのみなら見かけます。
pro forma apology 形式上の謝罪、など。
pro formaには「見積もり」という意味もあり。
と、書いた同じ日に、mea culpaが、ドラマ24で見かけてびっくり。

シーズン6 12:00amから1:00amで、White House Chief of StaffのTom Lennoxが、National Security AdvisorのKaren Hayesに、"Year, mea culpa." (いやあ、悪かった)と発言しています。教養のある人はmea cuplaを使うのですね。

★pat phrases, 型通りの言い回し

Those pat phrases lack authenticity and sincerity.

ex) Are we having real convos w/ kids abt race? Read this letter on why pat phrases like "we're all equal" don't cut it!

"pat phrases" に加えて、 "not cut it" も入った例文となります。


scads of advice, たくさんの助言
from all and sundry, ありとあらゆる人から
give someone an out, (人)に言い訳を与える
bristle, いらだつ、毛が逆立つ
come over all superior, 偉そうにする
in no uncertain terms, ずけずけと、はっきりと
well-meant, 善意の
take to heart, 肝に命じる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年11月30日 11:13に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 A Word to the Wise 4,5,6 ★ ディクテーションまだまだ」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/11 Analyzing Public Apologies 4,5,6 ★ なんと,」です。
