実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 12 A Collaborative Lifestyle 1,2,3 ★ 杉田先生の新刊


杉田先生の新刊、NHK実践ビジネス英語 対話力アップ ビジネス英語フレーズ800が発売されていますが、先日、Kindle版を入手しました。Kindle版は1,100円とお安くなっています。




※ こちらはKindle版です。お間違えのないようお願いします。

2014-10-04 08.09.47.jpgGolden Gate Bridgeから見たサンフランシスコの朝です。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 12 A Collaborative Lifestyle 1,2,3


fire off
in longhand
get through
think twice before
someone's judgement is impaired
in the cold light of day
many's the time


Home ownership is no longer the Holy Grail for many Americans.

An increasing number of consumers are unwilling to splash out on big-ticket items.

The renting and sharing economy racked up $3.5 billion in revenue in the U.S. in 2013.

I always thought Americans made a big deal of owning their homes, cars and things like that.

Why has this trend taken off like this?

Americans now have lower disposable incomes as wages stay relatively stagnant.

It lets people enjoy the lifestyle they want without spending beyond their means.

Services that specialize in developing and operating online networks in this area are raking it in.

If sales of homes fall, for example, so could their value - and people's overall net worth.


★Holy Grail, 聖杯、至高の目標、渇望の対象

Home ownership is no longer the Holy Grail for many Americans.

ex) It may be the holy grail: power, performance & affordability, all rolled into our #Altima - http://nssn.co/ajiZlI  

★splash out on, ...に大金をつぎ込む

An increasing number of consumers are unwilling to splash out on big-ticket items.

ex) Splash out on a seaside break at Christmas: S pend Christmas on the seafront of one of the UK's premier resorts....

★rack up, 計上する、獲得する

The renting and sharing economy racked up $3.5 billion in revenue in the U.S. in 2013.

ex) Costs rack up in ISIS fight

★make a big deal of, ...を重要視する

I always thought Americans made a big deal of owning their homes, cars and things like that.

ex) God does not exist to make a big deal out of us, we exist to make a big deal out of Him!

★take off, 人気が出る、軌道に乗る

Why has this trend taken off like this?

ex) The maker of Lincoln Logs will be bringing #manufacturing back to the U.S. from #China. Will we start to see this trend take off? #p2

★stagnant, 低迷する、停滞した

Americans now have lower disposable incomes as wages stay relatively stagnant.

ex) Americans' Wages Stagnant at 1988 Levels http://shar.es/1axPmG  via @sharethis

★beyond one's means, 収入の範囲を超えて、身分不相応に

It lets people enjoy the lifestyle they want without spending beyond their means.

ex) Did you spend beyond your means this weekend just to keep up with your friends?https://twitter.com/smarter_money/status/514037799562248192

★rake it in, ぼろもうけする、荒稼ぎする

Services that specialize in developing and operating online networks in this area are raking it in.

ex) These Girl scouts are going to rake it in

★net worth, 純資産

If sales of homes fall, for example, so could their value - and people's overall net worth.

ex) net worth of American households reached a record high (both nominal and real) of $81.5 trillion - http://buff.ly/1un4jXi 

あれ? アメリカの世帯の純資産は過去最高を記録したそうですよ。ビニエットとは違いますね。


fire off, ...を発射する、(メールなど)を(さっと)送信する
immediacy, 即時性、瞬時性
discursive, とりとめのない、散漫な
in longhand, 手書きで
get through, (話や意味が)伝わる[通じる]
think twice before, ...の前に(もう一度)よく考える
someone's judgement is impaired, (人)の判断が鈍っている
in the cold light of day, 現実に戻って考えてみると
many's the time, 何度も...した(ことがある)

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年10月 6日 11:48に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 4,5,6 ★ ブレス or タイ? 」です。

次のブログ記事は「2014/9 Lesson 12 A Collaborative Lifestyle 4,5,6 ★ Muir Woods National Monument」です。
