実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 4,5,6 ★ ブレス or タイ?


beef or chicken? と言えば機内食でおなじみですが、、、

先日、会社のカフェテリアで、鶏肉料理のメニューの列に並んでいると、給仕の人から ブレス or タイ? と聞かれたのです。

タイはよくわからないので無視し、ブレス、つまり breast 胸肉を選んだのですが、タイとは何だったのでしょう?

あとで気づきましたが、タイ thigh 腿、というわけで、もも肉だったのです。


Uvas Canyon County Parkに行き、滝を見てきました。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 4,5,6


go one better
make the grade
if you will
impersonal greetings
shunt something aside
Procrastination is the thief of time.
to the point
mixed blessing


It's just too easy to fire off a note from your laptop or smartphone without giving it too much thought.

Email has the immediacy of a telephone call but not the subtle tones that "humanize" a verbal form of communication.

Back in the day people wrote long, discursive letters in longhand.

To make sure my message gets through, I use numbers or bullet points.

I think more people should think twice before sending emails, especially ones they may regret sending later on.

That's especially true if you're tempted to email someone when you've had a few drinks and your judgement is impaired.

Many's the time I've looked at a draft email in the cold light of day and wondered, "What was I thinking?"


★fire off, ...を発射する、(メールなど)を(さっと)送信する

It's just too easy to fire off a note from your laptop or smartphone without giving it too much thought.

ex) just fire off this mail then I'll pop out to get a sandwich

★immediacy, 即時性、瞬時性

Email has the immediacy of a telephone call but not the subtle tones that "humanize" a verbal form of communication.

ex) Email immediacy makes msgs ill conceived, casually spelled, poorly worded, and tritely expressed, or rude

★discursive, とりとめのない、散漫な

Back in the day people wrote long, discursive letters in longhand.

ex) Deep is this perfection of wisdom, hard to see, hard to understand, inaccessible to reasoning and discursive thought.

★in longhand, 手書きで

Back in the day people wrote long, discursive letters in longhand.

ex) I had no idea James Ellroy had written all of his novels on legal pads in longhand.  Then someone else types it up. Crazy.

★get through, (話や意味が)伝わる[通じる]

To make sure my message gets through, I use numbers or bullet points.

ex) Why is it so hard to get through to you?

get thoughは、非常によくtwitterで使われていますが他の意味の場合がほとんどです。

★think twice before, ...の前に(もう一度)よく考える

I think more people should think twice before sending emails, especially ones they may regret sending later on.

ex) iPhone 4S Owners: You might want to think twice before installing iOS 8 on your device

★someone's judgement is impaired, (人)の判断が鈍っている

That's especially true if you're tempted to email someone when you've had a few drinks and your judgement is impaired.

ex) Suicidal risk highest when: Judgement is impaired by use of alcohol or other substances.

★in the cold light of day, 現実に戻って考えてみると

Many's the time I've looked at a draft email in the cold light of day and wondered, "What was I thinking?"

ex) In the cold light of day, #ApplePay isn't all it is cracked up to be & won't be revolutionising contactless payments

★many's the time, 何度も...した(ことがある)

Many's the time I've looked at a draft email in the cold light of day and wondered, "What was I thinking?"

ex) Many's the time I wish there was a mathematical formulae to figure out how a word is spelled.


worthwhile, やりがいのある、値打ちのある、有意義な
go one better, 一枚上手を行く
make the grade, 合格する、基準に達する
if you will, 言ってみれば、言うなれば
impersonal greetings, 人間的な温かさに欠けた[よそよそしい、冷たい]
shunt something aside,(物事)を棚上げにする[先送りにする、脇に追いやる]
Procrastination is the thief of time. 先延ばしは時間の浪費
turn-off, うんざりさせるもの、興ざめさせるもの、嫌気がさすもの
to the point, 要領を得た、適切な
mixed blessing, 諸刃の剣、痛しかゆしのこと、ありあたいようなありがたくないようなこと
stickler, こだわる人、うるさい人、やかましい人 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年9月29日 11:14に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 1,2,3 ★ size/sides」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 12 A Collaborative Lifestyle 1,2,3 ★ 杉田先生の新刊」です。
