実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 1,2,3 ★ size/sides





出張でコロラドに行った際に、Mt Evansに行きました。ここは4000メートルを超える高度まで、舗装道路があるため車で行けます。頂上近くでは高度のためか呼吸が苦しいような気がしました。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 1,2,3


alternative taste
make one's mark on
fabric of the neighborhood
be swept away by
mass eviction


That sounds like a worthwhile project.

My pal went one better than that.

Many of his emails are written in a slapdash, casual way.

Now I'm wondering whether my emails make the grade.

The final course of action - or inaction, if you will - is a rather dangerous one as far as I'm concerned.

People overlook emails containing important information because of things like impersonal greetings.

When people shunt emails aside, the result is miscommunication.

I find that something of a turn-off.

In my book, a good email is clear, to the point and grammatically correct.

That can be a mixed blessing.

You sound like my 10th-grade English teacher - a real stickler.


★worthwhile, やりがいのある、値打ちのある、有意義な

That sounds like a worthwhile project.

ex) Nothing that's worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that.

★go one better, 一枚上手を行く

My pal went one better than that.

ex) #Cilic is the 1st Croatian to reach a #usopen SF since his coach #Ivanisevic (1996). Can he go one better than Goran?


Many of his emails are written in a slapdash, casual way.

ex) Tried a slapdash style for this one 'fire in the mist'. Oil on canvas 

★make the grade, 合格する、基準に達する

Now I'm wondering whether my emails make the grade.

ex) 10 Broadway Musicals That Make the Grade for Kids of All Ages 

★if you will, 言ってみれば、言うなれば

The final course of action - or inaction, if you will - is a rather dangerous one as far as I'm concerned.

ex) "There are people suggesting we should put a box on everyone's desk to improve productivity. A telegraph, if you will."-Steve Jobs

★impersonal greetings, 人間的な温かさに欠けた[よそよそしい、冷たい]

People overlook emails containing important information because of things like impersonal greetings.

ex) RT @ShailKhiyara: A3:Gone are the days where impersonal greetings, mistargeted ads or irrelevant prod recomm are overlooked by custrs #CXO

★shunt something aside,(物事)を棚上げにする[先送りにする、脇に追いやる]

When people shunt emails aside, the result is miscommunication.

ex) "Latinos feel that they've been jerked around by politicians who alternately pander 4 their votes & shunt them aside"

★Procrastination is the thief of time. 先延ばしは時間の浪費

ex) Procrastination is not only the thief of time; it is the thief of life.

★turn-off, うんざりさせるもの、興ざめさせるもの、嫌気がさすもの

I find that something of a turn-off.

ex) "even if he is hot, i find low intelligance an instant turn off"

★to the point, 要領を得た、適切な

In my book, a good email is clear, to the point and grammatically correct.

★mixed blessing, 諸刃の剣、痛しかゆしのこと、ありあたいようなありがたくないようなこと

That can be a mixed blessing.

ex) Mixed blessing. I was disappointed to hear about the expansion of the Big 10 (14), but I am happy to see... 

★stickler, こだわる人、うるさい人、やかましい人

You sound like my 10th-grade English teacher - a real stickler.

ex) It's "going rogue," not "going rouge." #FYI #Stickler


disinvestment, 負の投資(資本の食いつぶしや投資の引き揚げなど)
degenerate, 堕する、悪化する、退廃する
abandoned, 今は使われていない、放棄された、見捨てられた
alternative taste, 主流から外れた好み
make one's mark on, ...に足跡を残す、...に影響を与える
long-established, 長い歴史を持つ
resent, 不快に思う、憤慨する
fabric of the neighborhood, 地域の構造
be swept away by, ...によって一掃される、...に流される
mass eviction, 集団追い立て

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年9月22日 11:06に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/8 Lesson 10 Gentrification 4,5,6 ★ Lost satellite reception. 」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 4,5,6 ★ ブレス or タイ? 」です。
