実践ビジネス英語 2014/8 Lesson 10 Gentrification 4,5,6 ★ Lost satellite reception.


reception  という単語について。

昨年になりますが、ハイキング中にスマホを眺めていると、How is the reception?と隣の人から聞かれ、はて、receptionとは受付のことだが? となったことがありました。

最近、車で地下に入ると、カーナビのGPSが受信できなくなり、Lost satellite reception. とカーナビが言うのです。GPSが受信できなくなった、と。


スマホでのHow is the reception?は、電波状態は?(電波は入る?)という意味なのですね。

Steven Creek County Parkにて。動物のはく製。中央はBob cat
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/8 Lesson 10 Gentrification 4,5,6


take to life in the Big Apple
luck out
get the lowdown
call a place home
be priced out


Before the gentrification process starts, a neighborhood has to pass through a period of what experts call disinvestment.

The area degenerates into a slum or urban wasteland.

Many of them are artists who want to build studios in abandoned warehouse loft space.

Their alternative tastes and unconventional lifestyles start to make their mark on the area.

There's friction between the newcomers and long-established residents who resent their style and attitude.

It's really changing the fabric of the neighborhood.

New York's Chinatown is being swept away by what some people like to call progress: rising rents and redevelopment.

Immigrant families are leaving in droves because of mass eviction and skyrocketing rents.


★disinvestment, 負の投資(資本の食いつぶしや投資の引き揚げなど)

Before the gentrification process starts, a neighborhood has to pass through a period of what experts call disinvestment.

ex) This Key disinvestment graphic will tell us how the new Modi govt is different from UPA in controlling Fiscal Defecit 

★degenerate, 堕する、悪化する、退廃する

The area degenerates into a slum or urban wasteland.

ex) Idk why ppl think Ima degenerate cuz I tattoos lol #TeamDegenerate

★abandoned, 今は使われていない、放棄された、見捨てられた

Many of them are artists who want to build studios in abandoned warehouse loft space.

ex) Amazingly Beautiful Abandoned Building

ex) A wild-long tailed macaque monkey has adopted an abandoned kitten at Ubud's Monkey Forest in Bali. This is so cute


★alternative taste, 主流から外れた好み

Their alternative tastes and unconventional lifestyles start to make their mark on the area.

ex) If you can appreciate my alternative taste in music, I'd marry you.

★make one's mark on, ...に足跡を残す、...に影響を与える

Their alternative tastes and unconventional lifestyles start to make their mark on the area.

ex) Consumer messaging apps make their mark on the enterprise

★long-established, 長い歴史を持つ

There's friction between the newcomers and long-established residents who resent their style and attitude.

ex) Yes! A new report featuring how @Nordstrom moved from long-established software dev models to a DevOps style. 

★resent, 不快に思う、憤慨する

There's friction between the newcomers and long-established residents who resent their style and attitude.

ex) A friend of mine is having a baby in December and I already resent this kid so much. YOU ARE THE REASON WE CAN'T GET DRUNK TOGETHER ANYMORE.

★fabric of the neighborhood, 地域の構造

It's really changing the fabric of the neighborhood.

ex) The social fabric of the neighborhood is the key to strengthening the citizenship power and to

★be swept away by, ...によって一掃される、...に流される

New York's Chinatown is being swept away by what some people like to call progress: rising rents and redevelopment.

ex) wedding party's bus that was swept away by floods.63 including groom are dead. Only 25 bodies have been retrieved.

★mass eviction, 集団追い立て

Immigrant families are leaving in droves because of mass eviction and skyrocketing rents.

ex) 'Mass eviction' of homeless. Oxymoron or what? "@Scriptonite: This government is treating poor people like vermin. 


take to life in the Big Apple, ビッッグアップルでの生活が好きになる
luck out, 幸運に恵まれる
get the lowdown, 内幕を知る、真相に迫る
call a place home, ある場所を故郷と呼ぶ
better-off より裕福な、いっそう暮らし向きがよい
be priced out, 高額すぎて手が出ない

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年9月11日 15:08に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/8 Lesson 10 Gentrification 1,2,3 ★ bat house」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/9 Lesson 11 Email Overload 1,2,3 ★ size/sides」です。
