実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 6 The impact of Changing Demographics 1,2,3 ★ 実践ビジネスメール講座




Okay,  I talked it out within my group and the upshot is that I will relent.



talk it out 話をつける

upshot 結論

relent (決意が)折れる

Okay,  I talked it out within my group and the upshot is that I will relent.



2014-06-28 13.57.08.jpg
Mountain viewのLinkedInの本社です。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 6 The impact of Changing Demographics 1,2,3


same goes for
out-of-the-way corner
You just dated yourself there.
phone-tree systems
phone-tree purgatory


I'm afraid I set a rather backward-looking agenda during the main course with my rambling ruminations about the good old days.

Any company that wants to stay ahead of the game should go all-out to hire top female talent.

Forward-looking businesses are doing things to help both male and female employees run a household.

Well, you're not too far off the mark, actually.

Businesses that make it easier for people to hold down jobs while raising a family can draw on a wider pool of talent.

There are some definite negative here.

There's the predicted housing surplus.

Older consumers will have less in the way of disposable income for discretionary purchases.

Another big demographic change that has major implications for business is the rise of the majority-minority.

The needs of the graying population also mean increased opportunities in the healthcare, financial services and leisure fields.


★rambling rumination agenda, 後ろ向きの議題

I'm afraid I set a rather backward-looking agenda during the main course with my rambling ruminations about the good old days.

ex) Rambling Rumination about self improvement. - I can't help but feel troubled that so many beliefs,...

★stay ahead of the game, 有利な立場を維持する

Any company that wants to stay ahead of the game should go all-out to hire top female talent.

ex) 5 Ways Data Can Help You Stay Ahead of the Game

★go all-out to, 総力を挙げて...する

Any company that wants to stay ahead of the game should go all-out to hire top female talent.

ex) Any company that wants to stay ahead of the game should go all-out to hire top female talent.

★run a household, 家庭を営む、家事を切り盛りする

Forward-looking businesses are doing things to help both male and female employees run a household.

ex) Wife, momma ...Two dogs a bird and a household to run.

★not too far off the mark, それほど的外れではない

Well, you're not too far off the mark, actually.

ex) The new scientist in 1964 predicting media landscape of future. Not too far off the mark

★draw on, ...を利用する

Businesses that make it easier for people to hold down jobs while raising a family can draw on a wider pool of talent.

ex) To be a leader of a small charity you have to keep it real, think big and draw on your network

★definite negative, 決定的な難点

There are some definite negative here.

ex) One definite negative side affect of the spread of technology is the spread of uniformity through out the world :/

★housing surplus, 住宅の供給過剰

There's the predicted housing surplus.

ex) Maybe the housing surplus problem and the homeless problem could shack up and help each other out? 

★disposable income, 可処分所得

Older consumers will have less in the way of disposable income for discretionary purchases.

ex) Blacks don't read? Blacks don't go to the cinema? Nah, fool. Blacks don't have disposable income, so it's unprofitable to make stuff for us.

★implication for, ...への影響

Another big demographic change that has major implications for business is the rise of the majority-minority.

ex) Facebook has purchased Oculus Rift for a massive $2bn - what's the implication for developers?

★majority-minority, 多数派少数派

Another big demographic change that has major implications for business is the rise of the majority-minority.

ex) There are about 300 ZIP codes where a majority of its homes are underwater. Most are majority-minority areas.

★graying population, 高齢者人口

The needs of the graying population also mean increased opportunities in the healthcare, financial services and leisure fields.

ex) The graying of the population "is one of the most difficult and intractable issues that Japan has to deal with."


same goes for, ...も同じである、...についても同じことがいえる
antiquated, 古くさくなった、時代遅れの
out-of-the-way corner, 人目につかない片隅
You just dated yourself there. それであなたの年齢がばれましたね。
phone-tree systems, 自動音声案内システム
phone-tree purgatory, 電話網の煉獄

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年7月 5日 04:15に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「 実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 5 Back in the Day 4,5,6 ★ レトルトカレーの謎」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 6 The impact of Changing Demographics 4,5,6 ★ Almost there!」です。
