実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 5 Back in the Day 1,2,3 ★ コートジボアールとIvory Coast


2014 FIFA ワールドカップの日本ーコートジボアール戦をESPNで見ました。逆転負けは非常に残念な結果でした。グループリーグを勝ち抜くことは果たしてできるのでしょうか。

さて、コートジボアールは以前は象牙海岸共和国と日本では呼ばれていましたが、同国政府の要請によりフランス語国名(République de Côte d'Ivoire)であるコートジボアールを使うようになっています。

しかし、英語ではあいかわらずIvory Coastと呼ばれています。

日本語のwikipediaではRepublic of Côte d'Ivoireが英語の正式名称とありますが、英語のwikipediaではRepublic of Ivory Coastが正式名称とあるように、食い違っています。


オークランドのO.co Coliseumに、オークランド アスレチックス対ニューヨーク ヤンキースを見に行きました。マー君は出場しませんでしたが、イチローが二安打でした。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 5 Back in the Day 1,2,3


pose as
do gooder
blow one's own horn
go out of one's way
reflect well on
give-back-to-the-community store


A penny for your thoughts, Steve. You look worlds away.

These days everybody seems so stressed out and upright.

racial discrimination and sexual harassment permeated the business world.

We may not shattered the glass ceiling yet.

I'd still rather accentuate the positive when it comes to looking back.

We've come a long way from the days of "Miss Henderson, would you stretch those pretty little legs and get me some coffee?"

We used to play practical jokes on each other at work and toss around lighthearted banter.

There were even Friday afternoon beer bashes in the office.

The three-martini lunches of yesteryear were a bit too much for me.

In this age of multibillion-dollar corporate swindles, a million bucks is chump change.

The boundary between public and private has become hopelessly blurred.

Look how the digital revolution and globalization have made lots of jobs as obsolete as buggy-whip makers.

Millionaires are a dime a dozen.

Electronic payment systems have made toll collectors go the way of the dodo.


★A penny for your thoughts. (考えに沈んでいる人に対して)何を考えているのですか。

A penny for your thoughts, Steve. You look worlds away.

ex) A penny for your thoughts. A dollar for your insides, and a fortune for your destruction.

★uptight, 神経がピリピリした、神経質な

These days everybody seems so stressed out and upright.

ex) Some people don't know how to relax and have fun. Stop taking everything so seriously, life's too short to be uptight and miserable.

★permeate, 行き渡る、広がる

racial discrimination and sexual harassment permeated the business world.

ex) Negativity is toxic and can permeate everything.. I personally choose to kill em with kindness, then walk away 

★shatter, 壊す、粉砕する

We may not shattered the glass ceiling yet.

ex) "Be carefull..the ones that make you smile are the same ones that can shatter your heart."

★accentuate the positive, よい面を強調する

I'd still rather accentuate the positive when it comes to looking back.

ex) Weekend #Writing Tip: Difficult Messages - Accentuate the Positive - BUT DO NOT Eliminate the Negative

★We've come a long way. ずいぶんと進歩したものです。

We've come a long way from the days of "Miss Henderson, would you stretch those pretty little legs and get me some coffee?"

ex) Happy National Best Friend Day to MY Best Friend! We've come a long way since we've met. I never... 

★lighthearted banter, 軽いノリの冗談の言い合い

We used to play practical jokes on each other at work and toss around lighthearted banter.

ex) A podcast that starts as lighthearted banter with background giggling that slowly transitions into an hour of unbroken maniacal cackling

★beer bash, ビールパーティー

There were even Friday afternoon beer bashes in the office.

ex) Attention: Former Sun employees.  Next scheduled beer bash: May 24th.

★yesteryear, 往年の

The three-martini lunches of yesteryear were a bit too much for me.

ex) Take a look at the kits of yesteryear with @guardian's "World Cup Kits Through the Ages."


★corporate swindle, 企業の不正行為

In this age of multibillion-dollar corporate swindles, a million bucks is chump change.

ex) Turning a blind eye to the great corporate tax swindle

★chump change, はした金

In this age of multibillion-dollar corporate swindles, a million bucks is chump change.

ex) Woo-hoo! Metal bookends! Purchased today at the library book sale for chump change.

★become blurred, 曖昧になる

The boundary between public and private has become hopelessly blurred.

ex) "I no longer knew what was real & what wasn't.The lines between reality & delusion had become so blurred."ABShepherd

★as obsoletes as buggy-whip makers, 時代遅れの

Look how the digital revolution and globalization have made lots of jobs as obsolete as buggy-whip makers.

ex) Today's social media experts the buggy-whip makers of tomorrow?

★a dime a dozen, どこにでもある、ありふれた、安っぽい

Millionaires are a dime a dozen.

ex) Know nature photos are a dime a dozen but damn. "@500px: 20 Rare Images of the World Unseen:

★go the way of the dodo, 絶滅する、廃れる、時代遅れになる

Electronic payment systems have made toll collectors go the way of the dodo.

ex) Will the house key go the way of the dodo?


grandstand, スタンドプレーをする
prod, 駆り立てる、促す
invalidate, 無効[無価値]にする
pose as, ...を装う、...のふりをする
do gooder, 理想主義的な慈善家
blow one's own horn, 自画自賛する
go out of one's way, ことさら努力する、わざわざする
reflect well on, ...の評判を高める
restaurateur, レストランの経営者
give-back-to-the-community store, 地域社会に恩返しをする店 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年6月16日 11:15に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 4 Kindness and Corporations 4,5,6 ★ 鮮魚店にて」です。

次のブログ記事は「 実践ビジネス英語 2014/6 Lesson 5 Back in the Day 4,5,6 ★ レトルトカレーの謎」です。
