実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 4 Kindness and Corporations 1,2,3 ★ 交通事故








修理工場は、Body Shopと呼ばれています。最初、ディーラーに持っていったら、うちじゃ車体の修理はやらないからと、近くのBody Shopを紹介されました。



2014-05-22 08.47.37.jpg
サンタクララに建設中で来月完成予定のLevi's Stadium(リーバイス スタジアム)はNFLサンフランシスコ フォーティナイナーズの本拠地になります。

そのゲートFはTOYOTA GATEと名前が付けられていました。

3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 4 Kindness and Corporations 1,2,3


mellow out
let go and relax
I'll drink to that.
in moderation
take pride in
susceptible to
take something to heart
Pride goeth before a fall.


Some people say you're the ultimate Mr. Nice Guy.

A fellow MBA student accused me of having what he called a hopeless case of nice-guy-itis.

He made it sound like being nice was kind of life-threatening ailment.

Some cynics might quote the adage about nice guys finishing last.

That's because just about everything a company does is out in the open.

The pain that came with the recession has also led to a backlash against consumerism among millennials.

Mind you, work is about making money.

So that's why I've been hearing the phrase "corporate kindness" so much lately.

Some of my friends think that's a contradiction in terms.

Companies that ignore this trend do so at their peril.

You could call it capitalism with a conscience.
They would say businesses do things like that just for the "feel-good" publicity.

If companies were motivated by genuine humanitarianism, they'd perform acts of charity and kindness anonymously.


★ultimate Mr. Nice Guy, この上ないいい人、極度のお人よし

Some people say you're the ultimate Mr. Nice Guy.

ex) Headline: Obama, no more Mr. Nice Guy. What a MSM delusion. He has always been mean-spirited, arrogant. The ultimate narcissist.

★hopeless case of nice-guy-itis, 「いい人病」という救いがたい病気

A fellow MBA student accused me of having what he called a hopeless case of nice-guy-itis.

ex) Kindness In Business: The Necessity Of Nice-Guy-Itis


★life-threatening ailment, 致命的な病気

He made it sound like being nice was kind of life-threatening ailment.

ex) Report: Former President George W. Bush's heart ailment in August was potentially life-threatening http://yhoo.it/GYmNY3  Artery 95% blocked

★cynic, 皮肉屋、冷笑家、すね者
★adage about nice guys finishing last, お人よしはびりで終わる、という格言

Some cynics might quote the adage about nice guys finishing last.

ex) time, called a cynic.-Oliver Hassenkamp - http://bit.ly/1doNcax  - Quote of the Day

ex) This story isn't about nice guys finishing last.  It's about a guy who wasn't nice. 

★be out in the open, 公表されている、明らかになっている

That's because just about everything a company does is out in the open.

ex) Wage debate should be out in the open - Burlington County Times

★consumerism, (大量)消費主義、消費者活動

The pain that came with the recession has also led to a backlash against consumerism among millennials.

ex) Consumerism has become its own religion; this is why Apple fanatics called Steve Jobs their iGod.

★mind you いいですか、よく聞いてください

Mind you, work is about making money.

ex) Do I do 7 for 26?? Mind you, that's equivalent to 3.5 chipotle meals

★corporate kindness, 企業が示す思いやり

So that's why I've been hearing the phrase "corporate kindness" so much lately.

ex) Corporate kindness is becoming the rule, not the exception.

★contradiction in terms, ことばの矛盾

Some of my friends think that's a contradiction in terms.

ex) "Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die." -G.K. Chesterton

★at one's peril, 危険が及ぶ覚悟で

Companies that ignore this trend do so at their peril.

ex) Read this book at your Peril

★capitalism with a conscience, 良心ある資本主義

You could call it capitalism with a conscience.

ex) Capitalism With a Conscience: Whole Foods is one of those companies that deserves to be successful. 

Whole Foodsはオーガニック食品を販売する有名スーパーです。

★"feel-good" publicity, 「心温まる」宣伝

They would say businesses do things like that just for the "feel-good" publicity.

ex) Also, win-win for coffee shops. Still getting paid for coffee. Plus free "feel-good" publicity for them.

★humanitarianism, 博愛主義、人道主義

If companies were motivated by genuine humanitarianism, they'd perform acts of charity and kindness anonymously.

ex) M.Klare: Big Oil focuses on increasing supply in developing countries under guise of 'humanitarianism' 


mellow out, 気分が落ち着く、穏やかになる
let go and relax, 気を抜いてリラックスする
I'll drink to that. いいですね。そのとおり。同感だ。大賛成。
in moderation, ほどほどに、適度に
hardcore, 本格的な、筋金入りの
nagging, しつこい、つきまとう
take pride in, ...を自慢に思っている、...を自負する
pursuit, 趣味、娯楽、楽しみ
tumor-killing, 腫瘍を殺す
susceptible to, ...にかかりやすい、...の影響を受けやすい
take something to heart, ...を肝に銘じる、...を重く受け止める
Pride goeth before a fall. おごれる者は久しからず。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年6月 2日 11:01に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 3 Healthy Aging 4,5,6 ★ Pinnacles National Park」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 4 Kindness and Corporations 4,5,6 ★ 鮮魚店にて」です。
