実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 3 Healthy Aging 1,2,3 ★ ゴルフと英語2












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2014-05-13 11.31.00.jpg
3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 3 Healthy Aging 1,2,3


get the organic seal of approval
attention-getting design fad
put down roots
sprout up
be down on
arable land
get dirt under one's fingernails


Getting old really sucks, doesn't it?

I guess I was in denial about aging.

When I celebrated my 43rd birthday a couple of week ago, it really hit me: I'm officially middle-aged.

Everybody gets old, with all the telltale signs in your eyes, ears and back - and with the accompanying aches and pains. 

My folks tell me I look tired even when I'm well-rested.

Though I'm still not at the point where I have to wear bifocals all the time.

Older men especially say they no longer feel the deep-seated urge to compete with everyone.

I've met more than my share of crotchety old grumps.

the kind who yell at the neighborhood kids to get the H-E-double-hockey-sticks off of their lawn.

It's important to keep physically, mentally active as you get closer to what are euphemistically known as the "autumn years."

They're said to be the best source of antioxidants, which neutralize the oxidants that can damage cells and DNA. 



★suck, (物事が)最悪である [不快だ]

Getting old really sucks, doesn't it?

ex) This Sunday sucks, I've been sluggish all day

★be in denial, 認めたがらない、現実から目をそらしている、否定している

I guess I was in denial about aging.

ex) I'm in denial that there's school tomorrow...

★It hit me. 実感した。わかった。

When I celebrated my 43rd birthday a couple of week ago, it really hit me: I'm officially middle-aged.

ex) It's really starting to hit me that in 3 weeks ill be totally done with high school 

★telltail sign, 明らかな兆候、隠しても隠しきれない証拠

Everybody gets old, with all the telltale signs in your eyes, ears and back - and with the accompanying aches and pains. 

ex) MRI image that could be 'telltail' sign for Parkinson's disease.

★my folks, 私の両親、私の家族

My folks tell me I look tired even when I'm well-rested.

ex) My folks are visiting this week. And I am realizing that my dad reads every text message he gets out loud. #goodtoknow


★bifocals, 複焦点レンズ眼鏡、遠近両用眼鏡

Though I'm still not at the point where I have to wear bifocals all the time.

ex) I should have gotten bifocals.  It was such a pain switching from reading glasses to distance.  I figured it out....

★deep-seated urge, 根深い衝動

Older men especially say they no longer feel the deep-seated urge to compete with everyone.

ex) The pressures of writing on age - Some may feel the deep seated urge to publish by 20 or 25. Very few people... 

★crotchety, 気難しい

I've met more than my share of crotchety old grumps.

ex) I'll be one of those crotchety, creepy ladies screaming at hooligans to stay off my lawn when I get old, I know it.


★grump, 不平家

I've met more than my share of crotchety old grumps.

ex) The funny thing is the grump #windfarms guy wouldn't be grumpy if he was being paid for the wind energy.

★get the H-E-double-hockey-sticks off of someone's lawn, (人)の芝生からとっとと出て行く

the kind who yell at the neighborhood kids to get the H-E-double-hockey-sticks off of their lawn.

ex) This week is going to be H-E double hockey sticks

★euphemistically, 遠回しに、えん曲的に

It's important to keep physically, mentally active as you get closer to what are euphemistically known as the "autumn years."

ex) The military has had more than twenty years to work on weather warfare methods, which it euphemistically calls weather modification.

★antioxidant, 抗酸化物質、酸化防止剤

They're said to be the best source of antioxidants, which neutralize the oxidants that can damage cells and DNA. 

ex) New Study Questions Benefit Of Chocolate And Red Wine Antioxidant

★autumn years, 人生の秋、晩年

It's important to keep physically, mentally active as you get closer to what are euphemistically known as the "autumn years."

ex) Top Four Financial Tips For Your Autumn Years


upstate, 州北部の
get the organic seal of approval, オーガニックであるとのお墨付きを得る
attention-getting design fad, 人目を引く構想の一時的流行
put down roots, 定着する
sprout up, 急成長する
be down on, ...を責める、...につらく当たる
arable land, 耕(作)地
get dirt under one's fingernails, (爪が汚れるほど)土にまみれる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年5月15日 15:13に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 2 Vertical Farming 4,5,6 ★ 米国に来てちょうど一年が経ちました」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 3 Healthy Aging 4,5,6 ★ Pinnacles National Park」です。
