実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 2 Vertical Farming 4,5,6 ★ 米国に来てちょうど一年が経ちました





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3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 2 Vertical Farming 4,5,6


make one's mark
pay a premium for
Ferris wheel
take farming to the next level
no fewer than
commercial viability
keep on top of
steal a march on
city dweller


The trend has caught on to the extent that a company in upstate New York is doing business selling equipment to vertical firms all over the U.S.

That means their produce gets the organic seal of approval.

Critics think the vertical farming trend is just an attention-getting design fad that won't put down roots in the long run.

Vertical farmings are sprouting up all over the place.

They're especially down on indoor vertical farms, because the high-energy consumption can be cancel out the environmental benefits of eliminating transportation costs.

As the world's population increases, we face the prospect of running out of arable land.

I didn't realize that getting dirt under your fingernails had become a viable career option for young Americans.



★upstate, 州北部の

The trend has caught on to the extent that a company in upstate New York is doing business selling equipment to vertical firms all over the U.S.

ex) Something strange is happening at farms in upstate New York. The cows are milking themselves


★get the organic seal of approval, オーガニックであるとのお墨付きを得る

That means their produce gets the organic seal of approval.

seal of approvalで、折り紙付き、太鼓判を押す、ということのようです。

ex) Doesn't she always look stunning whatever she wears... 12 British Labels that have Kate Middleton's Seal of Approval. 


★attention-getting design fad, 人目を引く構想の一時的流行

Critics think the vertical farming trend is just an attention-getting design fad that won't put down roots in the long run.

ex) 30 attention-getting fonts for postcard #graphicdesign by @AringTypeface @madtype @PKeditions & more


★put down roots, 定着する

Critics think the vertical farming trend is just an attention-getting design fad that won't put down roots in the long run.

put down rootsには、「居を構える」という意味があるようです。

ex) It's finally time for supermodel @karliekloss to put down roots - in this @NateBerkus-designed West Village townhouse


★sprout up, 急成長する

Vertical farmings are sprouting up all over the place.

ex) 16M+ websites sprout up every month. But who's creating them?


★be down on, ...を責める、...につらく当たる

They're especially down on indoor vertical farms, because the high-energy consumption can be cancel out the environmental benefits of eliminating transportation costs.

ex) I hate to ask, but this guy is really down on his luck, so please Paypal whatever you can to Bezos@Amazon.com


★arable land, 耕(作)地

As the world's population increases, we face the prospect of running out of arable land.

ex) More than 2 percent of China's arable land -- an area the size of Belgium -- is too polluted to grow crops


★get dirt under one's fingernails, (爪が汚れるほど)土にまみれる

I didn't realize that getting dirt under your fingernails had become a viable career option for young Americans.

ex) Today is Plant a Flower Day! It's a day to get a little dirt under your fingernails. Take a few minutes to plant...



make one's mark, 名を成す、有名になる、成功する
pay a premium for, ...に対して割増料金を払う
Ferris wheel, 観覧車
take farming to the next level, 農業を次の段階に持っていく
no fewer than, 少なくとも
aquaponics, アクアポニックス(水耕栽培と魚類の養殖を同時に行う、循環型のシステム)
aquaculture, 養殖業
hydroponics, 水耕栽培
symbiotic, 共生の
commercial viability, 商業的な実行可能性、商業化
keep on top of, (情報など)に通じている
steal a march on, ...を出し抜く、...に先んじる
city dweller, 都会人、都市生活者
locavore, 地元食材愛好家

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年5月 1日 13:40に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 2 Vertical Farming 1,2,3 ★ aquaponicsとは」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/5 Lesson 3 Healthy Aging 1,2,3 ★ ゴルフと英語2」です。
