実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 14 Lucky to be Working With You 1,2,3 ★ 眼鏡の買い方




go to one's head

get a big head

get conceited

become vain

be full of oneself


cheeky (少しcute)

fresh (古い)




次に、Doctor of Optometry(検眼医?)による検眼です。眼鏡屋の一室が診察室になっていて、普通に検眼します。そして診断書を書いてもらいます。


prescriptionという言葉は処方箋という意味ですが、眼鏡屋では「眼鏡のレンズの度」を指していました。つまり、Are you satisfied your prescription? とか、 Your prescription is low. などと使われていました。



え? 眼鏡が保険で買える??






3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 14 Lucky to be Working With You 1,2,3


raise eyebrows
miss out on
full of vim and vigor
to be sure
goof off
under the eagle eye of
keep tabs on
get on with the task at hand
ride herd on


Nothing kills esprit de corps more quickly than a boss who sweeps problems under the carpet.

I've always been struck by the way you don't hog the limelight when the team succeeds.

With success sometimes come complacency.

You're not one to rest on your laurels, Paul.

All this praise is going to my head.

to this day I think he was the best boss I ever had.

I was fresh out of college and eager to set the world on fire with my technical skills.

I blush to remember how cocky I was, how I considered myself a technical wizard.

young people are often a little full of themselves.

I could run rings around my manager on a purely technical level.

Did he feel threatened by having a young whippersnapper like you snapping at his heels?

He had nothing on me when it came to technical matters.


★esprit de corps, 団結心

a feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group.

Nothing kills esprit de corps more quickly than a boss who sweeps problems under the carpet. 

★sweep something under the carpet, (都合の悪いものなど)を隠す

conceal or ignore a problem or difficulty in the hope that it will be forgotten:

ex) We must just sweep them under the carpet and hope everything still works.

Nothing kills esprit de corps more quickly than a boss who sweeps problems under the carpet. 


★hog the limelight, 人の注目を独占する


<informal> keep or use all of (something) for oneself in an unfair or selfish way:

ex) he never hogtie limelight.

I've always been struck by the way you don't hog the limelight when the team succeeds.

★while we're at it, ついでながら


★complacency, 自己満足、独りよがり

a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements:


ex) the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency.

With success sometimes come complacency.

with A come B. AとともにBがくる

★rest on one's laurels, 現在の成功[栄誉]に満足する

be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no further effort.

You're not one to rest on your laurels, Paul.


★go to one's head, つけあがる、うぬぼれる

go to someone's head

(of success) make someone conceited


All this praise is going to my head.

★to this day, 今でも、今日に至るまで

up to the present time; still:

ex) the tradition continues to this day.

to this day I think he was the best boss I ever had.

似た言葉のto dateは。。。

to date

until now

ex) their finest work to date.

★set the world on fire, 大成功を収める、有名になる

do something remarkable or sensational

ex) the film hasn't exactly set the world on fire.

I was fresh out of college and eager to set the world on fire with my technical skills.

★blush to remember, 思い出すと赤面する


feel embarrassed or ashamed

ex) he blushed to think of how he'd paraded himself.

I blush to remember how cocky I was, how I considered myself a technical wizard.

★cocky, うぬぼれた、生意気な

conceited or arrogant, esp. in a bold or impudent way:

I blush to remember how cocky I was, how I considered myself a technical wizard.

★technical wizard, 専門的技術の天才、専門分野での天才


a person who is very skilled in a particular field or activity:

ex) a financial wizard

I blush to remember how cocky I was, how I considered myself a technical wizard.


★be full of oneself, うぬぼれが強い、利己的である

very self-satisfied and with an exaggerated sense of self-worth

young people are often a little full of themselves.

★run rings around someone,(人)よりはるかに勝っている

<informal> outclass or out wit someone very easily.

I could run rings around my manager on a purely technical level.

★snap at someone's heels, (人)を追い立てる

to compete strongly with someone and have a chance of soon defeating or replacing them:
ex) With so many younger women snapping at her heels, this year may be her last chance to win the championship. 


Did he feel threatened by having a young whippersnapper like you snapping at his heels?


★have nothing on someone, 勝てない

know nothing discreditable or incriminating about someone.

ex) I am not worried - they've got nothing on me.

He had nothing on me when it came to technical matters.


raise eyebrows, 驚かせる、びっくりさせる
miss out on, ...の機会を失う
full of vim and vigor, 元気いっぱいで
to be sure, もちろん
lingering, なかなか消えない、長引く
goof off, サボる、怠ける
under the eagle eye of, ...の厳しい監視の下で
keep tabs on, ...をチェック[監視]する
count, 重要である
get on with the task at hand, 目の前の仕事をこなしていく
ride herd on ,...を監視する

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年10月28日 12:18に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 13 Workplace Flexibility 4,5,6 ★ Driver License 」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 14 Lucky to be Working With You 4,5,6 ★ meetupにて」です。
