実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 13 Workplace Flexibility 4,5,6 ★ Driver License


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3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 13 Workplace Flexibility 4,5,6


shape up
show up for work
come up for renewal
bounce back
toss idea around


One big Web portal operator raised eyebrows in the business world when it recently announced it was doing away with telecommuting altogether.

The company felt employees were missing out on the kind of synergies the come with personal contact.

Workers can start work full of vim and vigor instead of being burned out from a long and stressful commute to the office.

The telecommuting has its merits, to be sure.

there's still this lingering prejudice against telecommuting.

Many people figure telecommuters are goofing off when they're not working under the eagle eye of their supervisor.

Some companies are now using computer-monitoring software to keep tabs on employes working from home.

After all, it's results that count in the end, right?

many workers are self-motivated enough to be let alone to get on with the task at hand, no matter where they're working.

there are others that you have to ride herd on. 


★raise eyebrows, 驚かせる、びっくりさせる

raise one's eyebrows

show surprise, disbelief, or mild disapproval.

One big Web portal operator raised eyebrows in the business world when it recently announced it was doing away with telecommuting altogether.

★miss out on, ...の機会を失う

miss out

to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something:

ex) Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.


The company felt employees were missing out on the kind of synergies the come with personal contact.

★full of vim and vigor, 元気いっぱいで


energy; enthusiasm

ex) in his youth he was full of vim and vigor


physical strength and good health

Workers can start work full of vim and vigor instead of being burned out from a long and stressful commute to the office.


★to be sure, もちろん

used to concede the truth of something that conflicts with another point that one wishes to make:

ex) the ski runs are very limited, to be sure, but excellent for beginners.

The telecommuting has its merits, to be sure.


★lingering, なかなか消えない、長引く

lasting for a long time or slow to end:

ex) there are still some lingering doubts in my mind.

there's still this lingering prejudice against telecommuting.

★goof off, サボる、怠ける

evade a duty; idle or shirk:

ex) he was goofing off from his math homework.

Many people figure telecommuters are goofing off when they're not working under the eagle eye of their supervisor.

★under the eagle eye of, ...の厳しい監視の下で

eagle eye

a keen or close watch:

ex) she was keeping an eagle eye on Laura.

Many people figure telecommuters are goofing off when they're not working under the eagle eye of their supervisor.

★keep tabs on, ...をチェック[監視]する

<informal> monitor the activities or development of; keep under observation:

Some companies are now using computer-monitoring software to keep tabs on employes working from home.

★count, 重要である

be significant:

ex) it did not matter what the audience thought - it was the critics that counted.

After all, it's results that count in the end, right?

★get on with the task at hand, 目の前の仕事をこなしていく

get on 

continue doing something, esp. after an interruption:

ex) I've got to get on with this job. 

at hand


ex) keep the manual close at hand

many workers are self-motivated enough to be let alone to get on with the task at hand, no matter where they're working.

★ride herd on ,...を監視する

Fig. to supervise someone or something. (Alludes to a cowboy supervising cattle.) 

ex) I'm tired of having to ride herd on my kids all the time. 
ex) My job is to ride herd on this project and make sure everything is done right.


there are others that you have to ride herd on. 


shape up, ある形に落ち着く
show up for work, 出社する
territoriality, 縄張り意識, 領土権
rigor, 厳しさ
watchword, 合言葉、スローガン
come up for renewal, 更新期を迎える
bounce back, 回復する
toss idea around, アイデアをあれこれ検討する

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年10月21日 10:15に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 13 Workplace Flexibility 1,2,3 ★ お清書ノート」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/10 Lesson 14 Lucky to be Working With You 1,2,3 ★ 眼鏡の買い方 」です。
