2013/9 Lesson 11 Challenges for the American Worker 1,2,3 ★ アルデンテ









ということでした。つまり、柔らかいパスタは生パスタだからということ? 一理あるような。。


3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/9 Lesson 11 Challenges for the American Worker 1,2,3


get indigestion
That's something to write home about. 
take one's hat off to
maitre d'
You don't say.


One of the biggest - and most intractable - problems is the bad boss.

Present company excluded, of course, Paul.

In all seriousness, if one of my staff thought my work as their boss left something to be desired, I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.

If one of my staff thought my work as their boss left something to be desired, I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.

There doesn't seem to be a shortage of toxic bosses who've made it through the recession.

I put that down to their ability to negotiate the minefield of office politics.

The kinds of boss who sticks his or her nose in everything and hauls you on the carpet over petty little things.

They're basically insecure people who have found themselves in a position of authority.

Besides dysfunctional bosses, I'd rate long-term unemployment as one of the biggest challenges facing the American worker.

They're not getting a fair shot.


★intractable, 扱いにくい、やっかいな

hard to control or deal with:

ex) intractable economic problems

One of the biggest - and most intractable - problems is the bad boss.

★present company excluded. ここにおられる方は別ですが

What you say when ever you inadvertently insult someone within earshot:
ex) Urbandictionary readers are wankers. Present company excluded of course.

Present company excluded, of course, Paul.

exclude のかわりにexceptedも使われるようです。


★in all seriousness, 大まじめに、まじめな話だが、冗談抜きで

used to show that what you say next is not a joke, especially because it is important [= seriously]:

ex) In all seriousness, if Tom does resign, a lot of other people will start leaving too. 

In all seriousness, if one of my staff thought my work as there boss left something to be desired, I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.


★leave something to be desired, 遺憾な[不十分な]ところがある

leave much (or a lot) to be desired

be highly unsatisfactory:

ex) The architect they chose left a lot to be desired and the building gradually became vacant.

If one of my staff thought my work as their boss left something to be desired, I'd expect them to mention that in my 360 review.

★make it through the recession, 不況を乗り越える

To make it through something is to survive it. 


There doesn't seem to be a shortage of toxic bosses who've made it through the recession.

★put something down to, (物事)を...のせい[おかげ]だと思う、(物事)が...によるものだと考える

attribute something to:

ex) If I forget anything, put it down to old age:

I put that down to their ability to negotiate the minefield of office politics.

★negotiate the minefield, 難局を上手に切り抜ける


find a way over or through (an obstacle or difficult route):

ex) Extra engineering work was needed to break through the concrete and negotiate the obstacle, resulting in a slight delay to the five-month project.

I put that down to their ability to negotiate the minefield of office politics.

'negotiate the minefield'という表現はグーグル先生でたくさん見つかります。


★haul someone on the carpet, (人)をしかりつける

on the carpet

<informal> being severely reprimanded by someone in authority:

ex) We've all been on the carpet for the chances we took.

The kinds of boss who sticks his or her nose in everything and hauls you on the carpet over petty little things.

★insecure, 不安な、自信のない

uncertain or anxious about oneself; not confident:

ex) A rather gauche, insecure young man

They're basically insecure people who have found themselves in a position of authority.

★dysfunctional, 正常に機能しない、機能不全の、問題のある

unable to deal with adequately with normal  social relations:

ex) An emotionally dysfunctional businessman

Besides dysfunctional bosses, I'd rate long-term unemployment as one of the biggest challenges facing the American worker.


★not get a fair shot, 等しいチャンスを与えられていない、公平に扱われていない

fair shot



They're not getting a fair shot.


get indigestion, 消化不良になる、理解できない
That's something to write home about. それは実にすばらしい。それは特筆すべきことだ。
take one's hat off to, ...に脱帽する
maitre d', 給仕長、接客主任
clientele, (集合的に)顧客
You don't say. 本当かい。そうなの。へえ。 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年9月16日 10:19に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「2013/8 Lesson 10 Good Food, Nice Manners 4,5,6 ★ LとR」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/9 Lesson 11 Challenges for the American Worker 4,5,6 ★ Yoshi Joke」です。
