2013/8 Lesson 10 Good Food, Nice Manners 1,2,3 ★ Rim Fire


先週、タホ湖(Lake Tahoe)に行きました。国立公園ではないので商業化が進み、なんだかなーという感じでした。リゾートホテルを満喫はしたのですが。


Rim Fireと名付けられたヨセミテの山火事が連日こちらではニュースで流れています。




Rim Fire pushes deeper into Yosemite, threatens Bay Area water source 

タホ湖の途中に寄ったサクラメントのOld Sacramento。古い町並みが保存されています。
3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/8 Lesson 10 Good Food, Nice Manners 1,2,3


back in the day
keep ... at bay
the jury is still out on
be attached to
have a lower incidence of


It's friendly but reserved at the same time, if you know what I mean.

I've seen restaurant staff admonish people for taking snapshots of their food.

I have to say it's kind of tacky.

We were treated to a guided tour of the kitchen.

I'm sure your friends came away with an excellent impression of New York.

I have a nagging question in my mind.

I could see a coupe of my pals start to fidget and eye their phones nervously.

You're discouraged from talking on your mobile phone when you're on the train in Japan.

We agreed that the first person to reach for their phone during the course of the meal would have to pick up the tab for everyone.

★friendly but reserved, 気さくだが落ち着いている


slow to reveal emotion or opinions:

ex) He is a reserved, almost taciturn man.

It's friendly but reserved at the same time, if you know what I mean.

★admonish, (穏やかに)諭す、注意する

reprimand firmly:

ex) She admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven.

I've seen restaurant staff admonish people for taking snapshots of their food.

★tacky, 悪趣味な、やぼな、みっともない

<informal> showing poor taste and quality:

ex) Even in her faintly tacky costumes, she won our hearts.

I have to say it's kind of tacky.

★be treated to, ...のもてなしを受ける

treat someone to

provide someone with (food, drink, or entertainment) at one's own expense:

ex) He treated her to a slap-up lunch.

We were treated to a guided tour of the kitchen.

★come away with, (感情、印象など)を抱く

come away

to leave in a particular state or condition
ex) We came away with the feeling that they didn't really approve of


I'm sure your friends came away with an excellent impression of New York.

★have a nagging question, 消えることのない疑問がある

nag (often as adj. nagging)

be persistently painful or worrying to:

ex) A nagging pain

I have a nagging question in my mind.

★fidget, (落ち着かず)そわそわする[もじもじする]

move small movements, especially of the hands and feet, though nervousness or impatience:

ex) The audience began to fidget and whisper.

I could see a coupe of my pals start to fidget and eye their phones nervously.

★be discouraged from, ...をしないように言われる


persuade (someone) against an action:

ex) We want to discourage children from smoking.

You're discouraged from talking on your mobile phone when you're on the train in Japan.

★reach for, ...に手を伸ばす

extend one's hand or arm in an attempt to touch or grasp (something):

ex) Leith reached for the nearest folder.

We agreed that the first person to reach for their phone during the course of the meal would have to pick up the tab for everyone. 

★almost, 危ないところでした。



latent, 隠れた、潜在的な
full-fledged, 一人前の、本格的な
back in the day, 昔は
keep ... at bay, ...を(未然に)防ぐ、...を寄せつけない
the jury is still out on, ...についてはまだ結論がでていない
be attached to, ...に愛着を持っている
have a lower incidence of, ...の発生率が低い
malady, 病気
paraphernalia, (一式の)道具、用具、用品
cheery-pick, 入念に選ぶ、えり好みする 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年9月 3日 00:50に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 4,5,6 ★ 夏休み」です。

次のブログ記事は「2013/8 Lesson 10 Good Food, Nice Manners 4,5,6 ★ LとR」です。
