2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 4,5,6 ★ 夏休み


先週のESLの秋学期のplacement testはパソコンで行うTOEICのようなReading問題でした。TOEIC likeなので楽勝でした。課題はリスニングなのに。。。結果は当然ながらexceptionally highということになり、通常のクラスではなく、Accent ModificationとAdvanced Listening And Speakingというクラスを平日夜に一日ずつ受けることとしました。

Accent Modificationというとそんなビニエットがありましたね。もう一つのクラス共々楽しみです。


セコイア国立公園のAuto log. 倒れたセコイアをくりぬいています。

3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 4,5,6


worlds away
contribute one's two cents' worth
like clockwork
go to the dogs
cheesy pun
at the risk of over-generalizing
the pluses outweigh the negatives
make sense


They feared that pets could cause a latent tendency toward alleges to develop into full-fledged allergies.

That seems to have been the conventional wisdom back in the day.

Having a dog is a great way for seniors to keep high blood pressure and stress at bay.

The jury is still out on this question, apparently.

The more attached elderly people are to their pets, the more depressed they tend to be when the animal dies.

Older folks who own cats have a lower incidence of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular maladies.

the danger of older people falling over pets and their paraphernalia.

It sounds like you can cherry-pick data to suit your individual point of view.

★latent, 隠れた、潜在的な

(of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed:

ex) They have a huge reserve of latent talent.

They feared that pets could cause a latent tendency toward alleges to develop into full-fledged allergies.

★full-fledged, 一人前の、本格的な

completely developed or established; of full status:

ex) David had become a fully fledged pilot.

They feared that pets could cause a latent tendency toward alleges to develop into full-fledged allergies.

★back in the day, 昔は

in the past; some time ago:

ex) back in the day, he'd had one of the greatest minds I'd ever come across.

That seems to have been the conventional wisdom back in the day.

★keep ... at bay, ...を(未然に)防ぐ、...を寄せつけない

hold (keep) someone/thing at bay

prevent someone or something from approaching or having an effect:

ex) So long as the network is adequately protected, hackers can be kept at bay and prevented from stealing the personal information required to commit frauds in your name.

Having a dog is a great way for seniors to keep high blood pressure and stress at bay.

★the jury is still out on, ...についてはまだ結論がでていない

a decision has not yet been reached on a controversial subject:

ex) The jury is still out on whether self-regulatioin by doctors is adequate.

The jury is still out on this question, apparently.

★be attached to, ...に愛着を持っている


full of affection or fondness:

ex) During the journey Mark became increasingly attached to Tara.

The more attached elderly people are to their pets, the more depressed they tend to be when the animal dies.

★have a lower incidence of, ...の発生率が低い


the occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or other undesirable thing:

ex) An increased incidence of cancer.

Older folks who own cats have a lower incidence of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular maladies.

★malady, 病気

<literary> a disease or ailment:

ex) Since fiber also helps prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other maladies, you should be screaming for fiber by now.

Older folks who own cats have a lower incidence of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular maladies.

★paraphernalia, (一式の)道具、用具、用品

miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity:

ex) Drug paraphernalia and empty wine bottles lay strewn among layers of rotting food, dirty cardboard boxed and stinking blankets.

the danger of older people falling over pets and their paraphernalia.

★cheery-pick, 入念に選ぶ、えり好みする

selectively choose (the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc.) from what is available:

ex) The company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets.

It sounds like you can cherry-pick data to suit your individual point of view.


worlds away, まったくかけ離れている、別世界にいる
contribute one's two cents' worth, 自分の意見を述べる
like clockwork, 規則正しく、決まっていつも
go to the dogs, 落ちぶれる、落ち目になる
cheesy pun, くだらないだじゃれ
scrimp, 節約する、生活を切り詰める
frill, (魅力的だが)余分なもの、むだな飾り
inseparable, 切り離せない、離れられない、とても仲がよい
autism, 自閉症
at the risk of over-generalizing, 一般化しすぎかもしれないが
the pluses outweigh the negatives, プラス面がマイナス面より大きい
make sense, 意味を成す、わかる、なるほどと思える 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年8月22日 13:52に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英骨まで】2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 1,2,3 ★ The Cat Who Saw Red」です。

次のブログ記事は「2013/8 Lesson 10 Good Food, Nice Manners 1,2,3 ★ Rim Fire」です。
