【ビジ英骨まで】2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 1,2,3 ★ The Cat Who Saw Red


今日から夏期休暇です。日本のチームと合わせてこの時期に取ります。明後日はESLの秋学期のplacement testがあります。その翌日から車でどこかに行こうかと思っています。


リスニング用にSEX AND THE CITYのDVDを2ドルで買ったのですが、リージョン違いで日本から持ってきたプレーヤーでは再生できませんでした。こちらでプレーヤーを買わないと。


どんな本を探してるのかと聞かれ、読みやすい本かなーと答えながら、猫の本を手に取り、猫は好きだからこれを買いますと言うと、じゃあこれが読みやすいからとおすすめされたのが、Lilian Jackson BraunのThe Cat Who Saw Red他2つの小説が一冊になったハードカバー。


Jim Qwilleran slumped in a chair in the Press Club dining room, his six-feet-two telescoped into a picture of dejection and his morose expression intensified by the droop of his oversized mustache.





猫は殺しをかぎつける (ハヤカワ・ミステリ文庫)
3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 1,2,3


no lack of
live one's golden years
stand a better chance of
luck out


What? Oh, sorry, Steve. I was worlds away.

Executives are being asked to contribute their two cents' worth as the GLI Pet Food Company's future is discussed.

Their business was stable and turned a profit every year like clockwork.

Their business is going to the dogs.

Sorry for the cheesy pun.

People are scrimping and saving as the economy slowly recovers from the recent recession.

A lot of people see pet ownership as a frill that can be cut.

When I was a boy, my big golden Lab Rex and I were inseparable.

They're taking into account issues like childhood obesity, trauma and autism.

At the risk of over-generalizing, I think that in most cases the pluses of pet ownership for kids outweigh the negatives.

That makes a lot of sense.

★worlds away, まったくかけ離れている、別世界にいる


What? Oh, sorry, Steve. I was worlds away.

★contribute one's two cents' worth, 自分の意見を述べる

two cents (or two cents' worth)

<N.Amer.><informal> an unsolicited opinion:

ex) Mom got her two cents in.

Executives are being asked to contribute their two cents' worth as the GLI Pet Food Company's future is discussed.

ビニエットではtwo centsは「unsolicited opinion」ではないですね。


★like clockwork, 規則正しく、決まっていつも

very smoothly and easily:

ex) The event ran like clockwork.

Their business was stable and turned a profit every year like clockwork.

★go to the dogs, 落ちぶれる、落ち目になる

<informal> deteriorate shockingly:

ex) The country is going to the dogs.

Their business is going to the dogs.

★cheesy pun, くだらないだじゃれ

<informal> cheap and of low quality:

ex) cheesy motel rooms


Sorry for the cheesy pun.

★scrimp, 節約する、生活を切り詰める

be thrifty or parsimonious; economize:

ex) I have scrimped and saved to give you a good education. 

People are scrimping and saving as the economy slowly recovers from the recent recession.

★frill, (魅力的だが)余分なもの、むだな飾り

(usu. frills) an unnecessary extra feature or embellishment:

ex) It was just a comfortable flat with no frills.

A lot of people see pet ownership as a frill that can be cut.

★inseparable, 切り離せない、離れられない、とても仲がよい

(of people) unwilling to be separated; very close:

ex) They met 18 months ago and have been inseparable ever since.

When I was a boy, my big golden Lab Rex and I were inseparable.

★autism, 自閉症

a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communication and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts:

ex) Children with autism have difficulty using their imagination, communicating or interacting.

They're taking into account issues like childhood obesity, trauma and autism.

関連語:autistic 自閉症の

★at the risk of over-generalizing, 一般化しすぎかもしれないが


draw a conclusion or make a statement about (something) that is more general than is justified:

ex) Children overgeneralize simple rules.

At the risk of over-generalizing, I think that in most cases the pluses of pet ownership for kids outweigh the negatives.

★the pluses outweigh the negatives, プラス面がマイナス面より大きい


be heavier, greater, or more significant than:

ex) The advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

At the risk of over-generalizing, I think that in most cases the pluses of pet ownership for kids outweigh the negatives.

★make sense, 意味を成す、わかる、なるほどと思える

be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable:

ex) The problem is that the narrative makes no sense on a realistic level.

That makes a lot of sense.

このmake sense、会社でよく聞きます。
ある説明をした後に、AさんがMake sense? と確認します。Bさんは了解したならMake sense.と答えます。


no lack of, 十分な...、たくさんの...
live one's golden years, 老後の生活を送る
thrive, 栄える
stand a better chance of, ...の可能性がより高い、...に関してより有利である
crony, 仲間、友人
luck out, 運がいい、ついている

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年8月11日 11:57に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「 2013/7 Lesson 8 Second Acts 4,5,6 ★ Yalda Hakim」です。

次のブログ記事は「2013/8 Lesson 9 Companion Animals 4,5,6 ★ 夏休み」です。
