2013/7 Lesson 7 Confessions of a Working Mother 1,2,3 ★ 電子版テキストを使ってみた











3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/7 Lesson 7 Confessions of a Working Mother 1,2,3



wind up in court

tell off

better still


tact and diplomacy

Don't get personal.

sense of self

give someone a license to kick back and relax

do someone wrong

When you get right down to it

give someone ample notice


Toledo is much more laid-back than New York.

To say the least.

Steve was shocked by the litter and the noise at first, but got used to that fairly quickly.

I felt bad about the way we'd uprooted Steve from his familiar surroundings, sacrificing his equilibrium for the sake of our careers.

I couldn't sleep or eat well, and I became crotchety and difficult to be around.  

Working-parent guilt can really weigh you down, you know.

There are the career moves we make that throw our kids' lives out of kilter.

My heart goes out to you, Kay.

Steve is the epitome of a digital native.

They hang in there because they want to stay a part of their children's lives and help guide them toward a successful and healthy future.  

★laid-back, くつろいだ、のんきな、のんびりした

<informal> relaxed and easy-going:

ex) He was being very laid-back about it all.

Toledo is much more laid-back than New York.

★To say the least, すくなくとも[控えめに言っても](そうだ)

used  as an understatement (implying the reality is more extreme, usually worse):

ex) His performance was disappointing to say the least.

To say the least.

★litter, (公共の場所に捨てられた)ゴミ

rubbish such as paper, tins and bottles left lying in an open or public place:

ex) Always clear up after a picnic and never drop litter.

Steve was shocked by the litter and the noise at first, but got used to that fairly quickly.

★uproot someone from, (人)を...から(無理に)引き離す


move (someone) from their home or a family location:

ex) My father travelled constantly and uprooted his family several times. 

I felt bad about the way we'd uprooted Steve from his familiar surroundings, sacrificing his equilibrium for the sake of our careers.

★equilibrium, (心の)平静、落ち着き

a calm state of mind:

ex) His intensity could unsettle his equilibrium.

I felt bad about the way we'd uprooted Steve from his familiar surroundings, sacrificing his equilibrium for the sake of our careers.

★crotchety, 怒りっぽい、気むずかしい


ex) He was tired and crotchety.

I couldn't sleep or eat well, and I became crotchety and difficult to be around.  

★weigh someone down, (人)を苦しめる、(人)に重くのしかかる

To burden or oppress: 

ex) The responsibilities of the new job weighed him down. 


Working-parent guilt can really weigh you down, you know.

★out of kilter, (調子が)狂って、正常ではなくて、不調で

out of harmony or balance:

ex) Daylight saving throws everybody's body clock out of kilter.

There are the career moves we make that throw our kids' lives out of kilter.


★one's heart goes out to, ...に心から同情する

if your heart goes out to someone who is in trouble, you feel sympathy for them:

ex)  Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of this terrible tragedy. 

My heart goes out to you, Kay.

★epitome, 典型、...そのもの

the epitome of

a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type:

ex) She looked the epitome of elegance and good taste.

Steve is the epitome of a digital native.

★hang in there, (諦めずに)がんばる


(参考)Eigo with Luke


They hang in there because they want to stay a part of their children's lives and help guide them toward a successful and healthy future.  


libel, 名誉毀損

wind up in court, 法廷に立つことになる

tell off, ...をしかりつける、...を非難する

better still, もっといいのは

dis, 侮辱する、けなす

tact and diplomacy, 気配りと駆け引き、如才のなさ

Don't get personal. 個人攻撃をするな。

sense of self, 自意識、自己意識

give someone a license to kick back and relax, (人)にゆっくりくつろぐことを許す

do someone wrong, (人)を不当に扱う

When you get right down to it, 結局のところ

give someone ample notice, (人)に十分前もって知らせる 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年7月15日 12:20に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 4,5,6 ★独立記念日の花火大会」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/7 Lesson 7 Confessions of a Working Mother 4,5,6★カルフォルニアの爽やかな朝の過ごし方」です。
