実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 4,5,6 ★独立記念日の花火大会





3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 4,5,6




parting of the ways

That's putting it mildly.


happy camper


downright trashy

a bit much



chuck it all


long-term repercussion


pull a stunt

breeding ground


bottle up one's feelings

new element in the equation



In a worst case scenario, dissing your former employer could be construes as libel.

You don't want to wind up in court fro telling off your boss.

Reread it, or better still, have a trusted friend or family member check it.

In a worst case scenario, dissing your former employer could be construes as libel.

Tact and diplomacy are vitally important when taking leave of your employer.

Don't get personal, no matter how upset you may be.

Leaving a job or being fired is a crucial test of your sense of self.

Your impending departure from the company doesn't give you a license to kick back and relax during your last days at the workplace.

When you get right down to it, the simple act of quitting is the best form of revenge if you feel your employer did you wrong.

You should give your employers ample notice of your decision to quit - if possible, longer than the 30 days.

★libel, 名誉毀損

<Law> a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation:

ex) As Robertson circulated his pamphlet where he could, the matter was a serious libel.

In a worst case scenario, dissing your former employer could be construes as libel.

★wind up in court, 法廷に立つことになる

wind up

<informal> arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, or place:

ex) She wound up in hospital with pneumonia.

You don't want to wind up in court fro telling off your boss.

★tell off, ...をしかりつける、...を非難する

tell someone off

<informal> reprimand or scold someone:

ex) My parents told me off for coming home late.

You don't want to wind up in court fro telling off your boss.

★better still, もっといいのは

more satisfactorily:

ex)  Put a goal in front of me - or even better, tell me I can't get something done - and I'll work twice as hard to do it. If you can't get rid of the spots, try using a razor blade or better still a liquid that dissolves gum and paint.



Reread it, or better still, have a trusted friend or family member check it.

★dis, 侮辱する、けなす

speak disrespectfully to:

ex) He was expelled for dissing the gym teacher.

In a worst case scenario, dissing your former employer could be construes as libel.

★tact and diplomacy, 気配りと駆け引き、如才のなさ


[mass noun] skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues:

ex) The inspector broke the news to me with tact and consideration.


the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way:

ex) With perfect diplomacy, he divided his attention between Meryl and Anthea.

Tact and diplomacy are vitally important when taking leave of your employer.

★Don't get personal. 個人攻撃をするな。


Don't get personal, no matter how upset you may be.

★sense of self, 自意識、自己意識


a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflective action:

ex) Language is an aspect of a person's sense of self.

Leaving a job or being fired is a crucial test of your sense of self.

★give someone a license to kick back and relax, (人)にゆっくりくつろぐことを許す


<dated> permit (someone) to do something:

ex) He was licensed to do more than send a message.

Your impending departure from the company doesn't give you a license to kick back and relax during your last days at the workplace.

★do someone wrong, (人)を不当に扱う

<informal> To be unfaithful or disloyal.


When you get right down to it, the simple act of quitting is the best form of revenge if you feel your employer did you wrong.

★When you get right down to it, 結局のところ

it is the basic truth of the situation



When you get right down to it, the simple act of quitting is the best form of revenge if you feel your employer did you wrong.

★give someone ample notice, (人)に十分前もって知らせる

short noticeなら知っていましたが。


You should give your employers ample notice of your decision to quit - if possible, longer than the 30 days.


spill, 白状しろ。話してよ。

amicable, 友好的な、円満な

parting of the ways, 離別、行動を共にしてきた者との)分かれ目

That's putting it mildly. 控えめな言い方だね。そんなものではないよ。

stink, 悪臭を放つ、臭い

happy camper, 満足している人

classy, 高級な、おしゃれな、上品な

downright trashy, 実にくだらない、まったくクズ同然の

a bit much, ひどすぎる、あんまりな

quirky, 風変わりな、癖のある

show-off, ひけらかす人、目立ちたがり屋

chuck it all, 何もかも投げ出す

cathartic, 精神浄化作用のある、カタルシスをもたらす

long-term repercussion, 長期にわたる悪影響

bad-mouth, 悪口を言う、こきおろす

pull a stunt, ばかなことをする

breeding ground, (悪いことの)温床、繁殖する所

shoddy, ひどい、不当な

bottle up one's feelings, 感情を抑える

new element in the equation, 考慮すべき新たな要素

rancorous, 恨みのある

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年7月 8日 12:03に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 1,2,3 ★ 図書館で延滞料を払うの巻」です。

次のブログ記事は「2013/7 Lesson 7 Confessions of a Working Mother 1,2,3 ★ 電子版テキストを使ってみた」です。
