実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 1,2,3 ★ 図書館で延滞料を払うの巻




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3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 1,2,3


Truer words were never spoken.


become totally immersed in

fire off


We're all ears, Seiji. Spill.

I seem to recall that it was a less than amicable parting of the ways.

That's putting it mildly. 

People who treat people like trash deserve trash and stink like trash.

Something tells me Ken wasn't a happy camper here at H&B.

Not very classy, if you ask me.

Downright trashy, in fact.

I think these quirky quitting techniques are getting to be a bit much.

Some people thought he was just being a show-off.

Everybody has at one time or another felt like "chucking it all" in an attention-grabbing way.

It's certainly cathartic, but there can be long-term repercussions.

Fewer people these days seem to follow the standard career advice about not bad-mouthing an employer when you leave your job.

Many of these stunts are pulled by frustrated employees who've reached the boiling point.

Corporate America is a breeding ground for stress and burnout, I'm sorry to say.

It's understandable that some people want to get revenge for what they see as their shoddy treatment in the workplace.

We're told it's wrong to bottle up your feelings, that it's better to let them out.

The new element in the equation is social media.

The problem there is that a rancorous exit can be seen as bad judgement.

★spill, 白状しろ。話してよ。

<informal> reveal (confidential information) to someone:

ex) As Abby kept spilling information it was all making sense.

We're all ears, Seiji. Spill.

★amicable, 友好的な、円満な

characterized by friendliness and absence of discard:

ex) An amicable settlement of the dispute

I seem to recall that it was a less than amicable parting of the ways.

★parting of the ways, 離別、行動を共にしてきた者との)分かれ目

a point at which two people must separate or at which a decision must be taken:

ex) The best course is to seek an amicable parting of the ways.

I seem to recall that it was a less than amicable parting of the ways.

★That's putting it mildly. 控えめな言い方だね。そんなものではないよ。

to put it mildly

used to imply that the reality is more extreme, usually worse:

ex) The proposals were, to put it mildly, unpopular.

That's putting it mildly. 

★stink, 悪臭を放つ、臭い

have a strong unpleasant smell:

ex) The place stank like a sewer.

People who treat people like trash deserve trash and stink like trash.

★happy camper, 満足している人


<informal> a person in a specified mood:

ex) I understand that this is necessary, but I am not a happy camper.

Something tells me Ken wasn't a happy camper here at H&B.

★classy, 高級な、おしゃれな、上品な

<informal> stylish and sophisticated:

ex) The hotel is classy and sophisticated.

Not very classy, if you ask me.

★downright trashy, 実にくだらない、まったくクズ同然の


(of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis):

ex) It's a downright disgrace.

Downright trashy, in fact.

★a bit much, ひどすぎる、あんまりな

<informal> somewhat excessive or unreasonable:

ex) His earnestness can be a bit much.

I think these quirky quitting techniques are getting to be a bit much.

杉田先生は、going too far, going overboardとおっしゃっていました。

★quirky, 風変わりな、癖のある

having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects:

ex) Her sense of humor was decidedly quirky.

I think these quirky quitting techniques are getting to be a bit much.

★show-off, ひけらかす人、目立ちたがり屋

<informal>  a person  who acts pretentiously or who publicly parades themselves, their possessions, or their accomplishments:

ex) Potential contestants have to be extrovert without being annoying, pushy show-offs.

Some people thought he was just being a show-off.

★chuck it all, 何もかも投げ出す

chuck it

<dated> stop doing something:

ex) I can understand why Sir Alex Ferguson is not chucking it.

Everybody has at one time or another felt like "chucking it all" in an attention-grabbing way.

★cathartic, 精神浄化作用のある、カタルシスをもたらす

providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis:

ex) Crying is a cathartic release.

It's certainly cathartic, but there can be long-term repercussions.


(usu. repercussions) an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one:

ex) The move would have grave repercussions for the entire region.

It's certainly cathartic, but there can be long-term repercussions.

★bad-mouth, 悪口を言う、こきおろす

<informal> criticize (someone) behind their back:

ex) No one wants to hire an individual who bad-mouths a prior employer.

Fewer people these days seem to follow the standard career advice about not bad-mouthing an employer when you leave your job.

★pull a stunt, ばかなことをする


something unusual done to attract attention:

ex) The story was spread as a publicity stunt to help sell books. 

Many of these stunts are pulled by frustrated employees who've reached the boiling point.

★breeding ground, (悪いことの)温床、繁殖する所

a place or situation that favors the development or occurrence of something:

ex) The situation is a breeding ground for political unrest.

Corporate America is a breeding ground for stress and burnout, I'm sorry to say.

★shoddy, ひどい、不当な

<figurative> lacking moral principle; sordid:

ex) A shoddy misuse of the honors system. 

It's understandable that some people want to get revenge for what they see as their shoddy treatment in the workplace.

★bottle up one's feelings, 感情を抑える

bottle something up

repress or conceal feelings over time:

ex) His anger and frustration had been bottled up for years.

We're told it's wrong to bottle up your feelings, that it's better to let them out.

★new element in the equation, 考慮すべき新たな要素

the equation 

a situation in which several factors must be taken into account;

ex) Another factor in the equation: Used equipment must compete with new equipment in the marketplace.

The new element in the equation is social media.

★rancorous, 恨みのある

rancour (noun)

[mass noun] bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long standing:

ex) There were rancorous battles over pronunciation.

The problem there is that a rancorous exit can be seen as bad judgement.


Truer words were never spoken. まったくそのとおりだ。

alertness, 油断のなさ、注意力

become totally immersed in, ...にすっかり夢中になる

fire off, ...を(即座に)送る[出す]

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年7月 1日 15:01に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 5 Crazy Busy 4,5,6 ★ 小切手の話 」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 6 Parting Is Such... 4,5,6 ★独立記念日の花火大会」です。
