実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 5 Crazy Busy 1,2,3 ★ 英語ポルノ



英語的には進歩を感じない日々ですが、in parallel (並行して)という表現をこちらの人が使っているのをまねして使ってみたりしました。





3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 5 Crazy Busy 1,2,3



subject to

rub someone the wrong way

rake someone over the coal

words to that effect


get the better of

get someone's hackles up

lose it


It doesn't wow me.

When someone tells me how insanely busy they are, I find myself making an inane reply like, "Well, better that than the alternative."

They're really boasting - as if being busy were a badge of honor.

Their busyness is usually self-imposed.

This busyness business has gotten so bad and that even my sisters's kids complain about being run off their feet. 

They're just as frazzled as we grown-ups are.

Poor tykes.

Nowadays people would say we were just goofing off.

Just lazing around can be highly productive as well.

I just plunk myself down in front of the TV and open a beer.

Fair enough.

Newton got his big idea about gravity when he was chilling out.

The busy people around him failed to take note.

That puts things in a different light.

★wow, 驚嘆させる、うならせる

impress and excite (someone) greatly:

ex) They wowed audiences on their recent British tour.

It doesn't wow me.

★insanely, 突拍子もなく、気が変になりそうなほど


in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill:

ex) When I first saw it, I thought i was from some super fantastic and insanely expensive brand!

When someone tells me how insanely busy they are, I find myself making an inane reply like, "Well, better that than the alternative."

★inane, ばかげた、無意味な

lacking sense or meaning; silly:

ex) Don't badger people with inane questions.

When someone tells me how insanely busy they are, I find myself making an inane reply like, "Well, better that than the alternative."

★badge of honor, 名誉のしるし


a feature or sign which reveals a particular quality:

ex) Philanthropy was regarded as a badge of social esteem.

They're really boasting - as if being busy were a badge of honor.

★self-imposed, 自ら課した、自分から好んでする

(of a task or circumstance) imposed on oneself, not by an external force:

ex) He went into self-imposed exile.

Their busyness is usually self-imposed.

★be run off one's feet, 非常に忙しい

be very busy:

ex) Day soon turned into night, the shop got busier, and I was rushed of my feet, but my mind not really in this world.

This busyness business has gotten so bad and that even my sisters's kids complain about being run off their feet. 

★as frazzled as, ...と同じくらい疲れ果てた


(as adj. frazzled) completely exhausted:

ex) A frazzled parent

They're just as frazzled as we grown-ups are.

★tyke, (小さな)子供、ちびっこ

<informal> a small child, especially a cheeky or mischievous one:

ex) Is the little tyke up to his tricks again?

Poor tykes.

★goof off, 怠ける、ぶらぶらする、遊ぶ

be lazy, avoid one's work or duties:

ex) Too many students are goofing off.

Nowadays people would say we were just goofing off.

★laze around, のんびり過ごす、くつろぐ


spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner:

ex) She spent the day at home, reading the papers and generally lazing around.

Just lazing around can be highly productive as well.

★plunk oneself down, どっかと座り込む


set down heavily or abruptly:

ex) She plunked her pack on top of the bar.

I just plunk myself down in front of the TV and open a beer.

★Fair enough. それでいいよ。確かにそうだ。

<informal> used to admit that something is reasonable or acceptable:

ex) Now that's fair enough, because a lot of people don't know enough about it to make the decision.

Fair enough.

★chill out, のんびり過ごす、リラックスする

<informal> calm down and relax:

ex) They like to get home, have a bath, and chill out.

Newton got his big idea about gravity when he was chilling out.

★take note, 注目する、気づく

pay attention:

ex) Employers should take note of the needs of disabled people.

The busy people around him failed to take note.

★put things in a different light, 物事を違った面から考える、物事の見方を変える

in a --- light

so as to give a specified impression:

ex) The audit portrayed the company in a favorable light.

That puts things in a different light.


insinuate, ほのめかす、遠回しに言う

subject to, ...の支配を受けて、...に左右されて

rub someone the wrong way, (人)の気に障ることを言う[する]、(人)の神経を逆なでする

rake someone over the coal, (人)をきつくしかる

words to that effect, そのような意味の言葉、...といったようなこと

well-meant, 善意からの、よかれと思ってなされた

get the better of, ...を負かす、(感情などに)...が負ける[流される]

get someone's hackles up, (人)を怒らせる[かっとさせる]

lose it, かっとなる、自制心を失う

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年6月24日 05:08に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「 実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 4,5,6★英語の対策」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 5 Crazy Busy 4,5,6 ★ 小切手の話 」です。
