実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 4,5,6★英語の対策



英語については地元のAdult Schoolの平日クラスに7月の1ヶ月間行くことにし、申し込みました。1回2.5時間で週2回、10回で100ドルくらい。平日の夜なのですが仕事の余裕が許せば、ですが。

日本から船便が40日かかって届きました。その中に発見したのが、American Accent Training。ついにこの本が役立つときが来たのでかもしれません。


3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 4,5,6


fire away

drive someone up the wall

suck energy out of

bite the bullet

much less

soak up

defuse a tricky situation

tried-and-true tactic


verge on



storm into

give someone a piece of one's mind

folksy and casual

be like the pot calling the kettle black


I was insinuating that some things were so simple and elementary that everyone should know about them without my saying anything.

You're a human being, after all, subject to emotions like everybody else.

I worrying about rubbing people the wrong way if I take them to task for something.

Instead of raking them over the coals, I say their work isn't up to their usual high standard, or words to that effect.

My natural tendency is to think about ways of defending myself, instead of listening to what very well may be well-meant, useful feedback.

There's no point in letting your emotions get the better of you.

If being criticized gets your hackles up, for example, save your anger for after work.

Losing it in front of your colleagues means you lose face.

★insinuate, ほのめかす、遠回しに言う

suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way:

ex) He was insinuating that she sleep her way to the top.

★subject to, ...の支配を受けて、...に左右されて

likely or prone to be affected by:

ex) He was subject to bouts of manic depression.

★rub someone the wrong way, (人)の気に障ることを言う[する]、(人)の神経を逆なでする

irritate or repel someone (as by stroking a cat against the lie of its fur):

ex) They just rub me up the wrong way.

★rake someone over the coal, (人)をきつくしかる

haul someone over the coal

reprimand someone severely:

ex) Yesterday the Assistant Speaker spent a lot of time in the House hauling me over the coals for apparently using unparliamentary language.

★words to that effect, そのような意味の言葉、...といったようなこと

to that effect

having that result, purpose, or meaning:

ex) She thought it a foolish rule and put a notice to that effect in a newspaper.

★well-meant, 善意からの、よかれと思ってなされた

something you say or do that is well-meant is intended to be helpful, but does not have the result you intended:

ex) His comments were well-meant but a little tactless. 

★get the better of, ...を負かす、(感情などに)...が負ける[流される]

gain an advantage over or defeat (someone) by superior strength or ability:

ex) No one has ever got the better of her yet.

★get someone's hackles up, (人)を怒らせる[かっとさせる]

make someone's hackles rise

make someone angry or indignant:

ex) I knew it was a grin, but the bared teeth still made my hackles rise.


★lose it, かっとなる、自制心を失う

<informal> become unable to control one's temper or emotions:

ex) I completely lost it - I was screaming at them.

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年6月17日 02:55に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 1,2,3★英語について」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/6 Lesson 5 Crazy Busy 1,2,3 ★ 英語ポルノ」です。
