実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 1,2,3★英語について




最近、テレビでBBCとかCNNを流しっぱなしにする、ながら勉強法を始めました。CC (英語のキャプションが出る)をONにして番組を見ています。キャプション付きで録画できるのでよい教材になりえます。ケーブルテレビを契約する際にデジタルDVRが付くものにしたのでケーブルテレビを予約録画できるのです。もっぱら、あまちゃんを録画して見ている毎日ですが、英語にも有効活用しようかと。あと、ABCニュースも録画してみますが、デジタル放送なのでキャスターのダイアンソールさんが妙にくっきりと映っていて若干、違和感です。

生活立ち上げ面では、Social Security Number(SSN)の申請にSocial Security Administrationという役所に行きました。SSNがないと給料が支払えないと会社のHRに言われたので重い腰を上げました。SSNがないと運転免許も受験できませんし。申請は1時間ほど待たされた結果受理されました。2週間以内に郵送されるとのこと。

サンタクララ ミュニシパルローズガーデンです。http://www.sanjoseca.gov/facilities/Facility/Details/74

3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 1,2,3





be up for grabs

social fabric

cash outlay

succumb to



Sure, Seiji, fire away.

Those cliched expressions drive me up the wall too.

If you feel strongly that these remarks are sucking energy out of you, you should bite the bullet and confront the manager.

No one wanted to be near him, much less talk with him.

He'd obviously cut himself while shaving and used the tissue paper to soak up the blood.

Using humor to defuse a tricky situation is a tried-and-true tactic.

How cavalier of you!

He gave me a puzzled look, verging on angry, and asked me what I meant.

I meekly pointed to his jaw.

He thanked me profusely for being honest with him.

He stormed into their cubicles and gave each of them a piece of his mind.

It sounds a bit too folksy and casual, or even disrespectful, especially when there are big shots present.

I have to admit that my calling you out on that is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

★fire away, (命令文で)どうぞ始めてください、さあどうぞ

If you want to ask someone a question and they tell you to fire away, they mean that you are free to ask what you want.


★drive someone up the wall, (人)を激怒させる、(人)をひどくうんざりさせる

<informal> make someone very irritated or angry:

ex) And each one was rude or stubborn or had had some irritating habit that drive him up the wall.

★suck energy out of, ...からエネルギーを奪う

energy suckingという表現もありました。

How to Deal with Energy Sucking People 


★bite the bullet, (困難に)敢然と立ち向かう、ひるまない

decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or hesitating over:

ex) But now I have decided to bite the bullet and give it a go.

★much less, まして...であるわけがない

used to introduce something as being even less likely than something already mentioned:

ex) What woman would consider a date with him, much less a marriage?

★soak up, ...を吸収する

absorb a liquid:

ex) Use clean tissues to soak up any droplets of water.

★defuse a tricky situation, 難しい状況を打開する


make (a situation) less tense or dangerous:

ex) A scheme that teaches officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations.


★tried-and-true tactic, (何度も試されて)信頼できる戦術

tried and tested ( or tried and trusted ) (or tried and true)

denoting something that has proven in the past to be effective or reliable:

ex) A tried-and-tested recipe

★cavalier, 豪放な、無神経な、軽率な

showing a lack of proper concern; offhand;

ex) Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude.


★verge on, 今にも...になろうとしている、ほとんど...である

be very close or similar to:

ex) Despair verging on the suicidal.

★meekly, おとなしく、従順に


quite, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive:

ex) Peter was sitting meekly on the sofa, silently staring at the wall.

★profusely, 大量に、多大に、大いに


(especially of something offered or discharged) very plentiful; abundant:

ex) The national broadcaster had to apologize profusely for the lapse.

★storm into, (怒って)...に飛び込む


move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction:

ex) He stormed out of the house.

★give someone a piece of one's mind, (人)に文句を言う、(人)をしかりつける

<informal> rebuke someone:

ex) I have wanted to clime out of my car numerous times and give them a piece of  my mind.

★folksy and casual, 気さくで打ち解けた、親しげでくだけた


informal and unpretentious:

ex) His folksy, direct style

★be like the pot calling the kettle black, 自分のことは棚に上げて人を非難するようなものである

the pot calling the kettle black

used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone else could equally well apply to themselves:

ex) To be fair, my own criticism is an example of the pot calling the kettle black.


bellwether, 動向を表すもの、指標

latter-day, 現代(版)の、後の

foreclosure, (抵当物への)担保権の行使、抵当流れ、差し押さえ

be up for grabs, だれでも手に入れられる、容易に手に入る、だれにでもチャンスがある

social fabric, 社会基盤

cash outlay, 現金支出

succumb to, ...に屈する、...に負ける

pay-as-you-go, 現金[即金]払いの、その都度払い方式の

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年6月 9日 14:29に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 3 Rental Generation 4,5,6 ★ London biz trip」です。

次のブログ記事は「 実践ビジネス英語 2013/5 Lesson 4 Giving Feedback 4,5,6★英語の対策」です。
