実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 2 Accent Reduction Training 1,2,3★GW突入ですが






3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 2 Accent Reduction Training 1,2,3


steer clear of

you can't go too far wrong if

get the ball rolling



think on one's feet

That's all to the good.

be in the air



Did I miss anything earthshattering?

That kind of miscommunication is fraught with danger.

That's fueled  a growing need for accent reduction training.

I thought ones you're past a certain age, you're basically stuck with your accent.

English is now the de fact lingua franca.

I'll look into it.

I want to make sure my English is clear and intelligible.

I was pretty self-conscious about that when I first came to the U.S.

I'm indebted to you for correcting that lifelong mistake of mime.

Some people are hesitant to correct other people's grammar or pronunciation errors for fear of hurting their feeling.

★earthshattering, 世界を揺るがすような、極めて重大な

(in hyperbolic use) very important, shocking, or traumatic:

ex) Tell me this earthshatterinng news of yours.

★be fraught with danger, 危険をはらんでいる、非常に危険である

fraught with

(of a situation or course of action) filled with (something undesirable):

ex) Marketing any new product is fraught with danger. 

★fuel a growing need for, ...への必要性をますます高める


 - sth to increase sty; to make sty stronger:

ex) to fuel speculation/rumours/fears


★be stuck with, ...を抱えている、...をなくすことができない

<informal> be unable to get rid of or escape from:

ex) Like it or not, she and Grant were stuck with each other.

★lingua franca, (国際)共通語

a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native language are different:

ex) National language of Zambia is English, which also serves as the lingua franca (common language).

★look into, ...を調べる、...を検討する


ex) The police looked into his business dealings.

★clear and intelligible, 明瞭でわかりやすい


able to be understood; comprehensible:

ex) Use vocabulary that is intelligible to your audience.

★be self-conscious about, ...を気にしている


feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's action:

ex) Tall and gangly, with a long nose and beady eyes, he was self-conscious about his appearance and despaired of ever being loved.

★be indebted to ,...に恩を受けている、...に感謝している

owing gratitude for a service or favor:

ex) I am indebted to her for her help in indexing my book.


★be hesitant to, ...するのをためらっている


tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking:

ex) Client are hesitant about buying.

★for fear of, ...を恐れて、...をしないように

to avoid the risk of (or that):

ex) No one dared refuse the order for fear of losing their job.


steer clear of, ...を避ける(ようにする)

you can't go too far wrong if, ...であれば大きな問題はない、...であればたいていうまくいく

get the ball rolling, 始める、口火を切る

substantive, 本質的な、重要な

banal, 平凡な、陳腐な

think on one's feet, 素早く判断する、機転を利かせる

That's all to the good. それはいいことだ。

be in the air, あたりに漂っている、気配が感じられる

kosher, まともな、適切な、合法の

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年4月27日 10:16に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 1 The Power of Small Talk 4,5,6★ #lrsem 海外で働く際に必要な資質とは」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 2 Accent Reduction Training 4,5,6★生活の立ち上げ」です。
