実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 1 The Power of Small Talk 4,5,6★ #lrsem 海外で働く際に必要な資質とは




  1. 信念
  2. 前向きさ
  3. 緊急対応能力
  4. 専門知識
  5. 言語











3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 1 The Power of Small Talk 4,5,6


cold snap

low-pressure trough

to level with you

come off

neck of the woods

you name a subject

acquired skill

turn over a new leaf

There you go

break the ice

put someone at (their) ease

ritualized exchange of pleasantries

by way of reply


"Functioning," "Harried" or "Dynamite"


Current events can be a good subject too, as long as you steer clear of controversial topics.

And you can't go too far wrong if you talk about sports.

That's a good way to get the conversational ball rolling.

Small talk helps you appear gregarious, witty and civilized, and establishes a rapport that can lead to more substantive topics.

No matter how banal the subject may be, having something interesting to say can make a positive impression on the other person.

A potential employer or client may notice your ability to think on your feet, and that's all to the good.

Anyway, spring is in the air!

Saying something good - or bad- about their body isn't kosher.

★steer clear of, ...を避ける(ようにする)

take care to avoid or keep away from:

ex) steer clear of fatty food

★you can't go too far wrong if, ...であれば大きな問題はない、...であればたいていうまくいく

go wrong

develop in an undesirable way

★get the ball rolling, 始める、口火を切る

start (or get or set) the ball rolling

cause something to start happening:

ex) The out-going General Manager has started the ball rolling!

★substantive, 本質的な、重要な

having a firm basis in reality and so important:

ex) There is no substantive evidence for the efficacy of those drugs.

efficacy 効力、効き目

★banal, 平凡な、陳腐な

so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring:

ex) Songs with banal, repeated words.

★think on one's feet, 素早く判断する、機転を利かせる

react to events decisively, effectively, and without prior though:

ex) I am sort of thinking on my feet here as I react to the information from my two correspondents and from other sources.

★That's all to the good. それはいいことだ。

all to the good

to be welcomed without qualification:

ex) This sort of process is going on throughout the country, and is all to the good. 

★be in the air, あたりに漂っている、気配が感じられる

in the air

in circulation; current: 

ex) There's a rumor in the air that we're moving to a new location.

★kosher, まともな、適切な、合法の

<informal> genuine and legitimate:

ex) She consulted lawyers to make sure everything was kosher.


Current events can be a good subject too, as long as you steer clear of controversial topics.

And you can't go too far wrong if you talk about sports.

That's a good way to get the conversational ball rolling.

Small talk helps you appear gregarious, witty and civilized, and establishes a rapport that can lead to more substantive topics.

No matter how banal the subject may be, having something interesting to say can make a positive impression on the other person.

A potential employer or client may notice your ability to think on your feet, and that's all to the good.

Anyway, spring is in the air!

Saying something good - or bad- about their body isn't kosher.


cold snap, 急な冷え込み、突然の寒波

low-pressure trough, 気圧の谷

to level with you, 正直に言って、正直なところ

come off, (...のように)見える[振る舞う]

neck of the woods, 地域、場所

you name a subject, どんな話題でも

acquired skill, 習い覚えた技術、後天的な能力

turn over a new leaf, 心を入れ替える、心機一転する

There you go. いいね。そうだ。その調子。

break the ice, (話などの)口火を切る、糸口を見つける、緊張をほぐす、場を和ませる

put someone at (their) ease, (人)を安心[リラックス]させる

ritualized exchange of pleasantries, 儀礼的[形式的]なあいさつのやりとり

by way of reply, 返事として

non-committal, 当たり障りのない、あいまいな

"Functioning," "Harried" or "Dynamite", 「機能しています」「困り果てています」あるいは「ダイナマイト」 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年4月21日 09:31に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 1 The Power of Small Talk 1,2,3 ★ソニッケアー フレックスケアープラス」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/4 Lesson 2 Accent Reduction Training 1,2,3★GW突入ですが」です。
