実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 21 Silly Questions, Smart Answers 4,5,6★ウスカルフレーム









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3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 21 Silly Questions, Smart Answers 4,5,6


bring up
be expelled from
Bless you!
sudden shiver
put someone off
be stunned
Talk about having no class
be cornered by


When I'm buttonholed by a boring windbag like that, I try to be friendly but firm.

You are the consummate diplomat.

I don't know that I'd be so forbearing and polite in that kind of situation.

I think you'll have to take the bull by the horns and simply make it clear to the offending person that you need to focus.

Gee, that sounds awfully blunt.

Now that you mention it, though, chronic complainers drive me up the wall.

You know the type - always kvetching about everything, no matter how petty.

He finds fault with everything and everybody, and isn't afraid to tell the world about it

I think he's only really happy when he's whining about something that upsets him.

★be buttonholed by, ...に引き止められて長話を聞かされる


<informal> attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will:

ex) After that it takes Kernaghan a half-hour to get out of the hall as people keep buttonholing him.

★windbag, おしゃべりな人

<informal> <derogatory> a person who talks at length but says little of any value:

ex) 'What an old windbag,' Saba sneered at King Mondo.

★consummate, 完璧な、この上ない

showing great skill and flair:

ex) She dressed with consummate elegance.

★diplomat, 外交家、駆け引き上手な人

a person who can deal with others in a sensitive and tactful way:

ex) You need to be an organizer, negotiator, diplomat and entertainer, ready to deal with anything and everything.

★forbearing, 辛抱強い、寛容な

patient and restrained:

ex) He proved to be remarkably forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry.

★take the bull by the horns, 難局に敢然と立ち向かう

deal decisively with a difficult or dangerous situation:

ex) If your money problems are pushing you towards the edge of financial disaster, now's the time to take the bull buy the horns and deal with them.

★blunt, 無遠慮な、ぶっきらぼうな、直接的な

(of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright:

ex) A blunt statement of fact.

★drive someone up the wall, (人)を激怒させる

<informal> make someone very irritated or angry:

ex) And each one was rude or stubborn or had some irritating habit that drove him up the wall.

★kvetch about, ...のことで不正[文句]ばかり言う

complain persistently:

ex) Just think, if the people who are now kvetching about freedom of speech simply posted their names on the website, then none of the speculation would have happened.

★find fault with, ...のあら探しをする、...にけちをつける

make an adverse criticism or objection, sometimes unfairly:

ex) He finds fault with everything I do.

★whine about, ...のことで泣き言[愚痴]を言う

[reporting verb] complain in a feeble or petulant way:

feeble 弱々しい
petulant 怒りっぽい、だだっ子のような

ex) She began to whine about how hard she and been forced to work.


When I'm buttonholed by a boring windbag like that, I try to be friendly but firm.

You are the consummate diplomat.

I don't know that I'd be so forbearing and polite in that kind of situation.

I think you'll have to take the bull by the horns and simply make it clear to the offending person that you need to focus.

Gee, that sounds awfully blunt.

Now that you mention it, though, chronic complainers drive me up the wall.

You know the type - always kvetching about everything, no matter how petty.

He finds fault with everything and everybody, and isn't afraid to tell the world about it

I think he's only really happy when he's whining about something that upsets him.


bring up, (話題など)を持ち出す
be expelled from, ...から追い出される、...から排出される
thereby, それによって、その結果
Bless you! (くしゃみをした人に対して)お大事に。
sudden shiver, 急な震え、不意の身震い
discreet, 控えめな、慎重な
put someone off, (人)に嫌悪感を持たせる、(人)をうんざりさせる
be stunned, ぼう然とする、動転する
audacity, ずうずうしさ、厚かましさ
Talk about having no class, なんて下品なんだ。
be cornered by, ...に追いつめられる、...から逃げられなくなる

月別 アーカイブ


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