実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 22 Shopping Online and Offline 1,2,3★4月よりアメリカに転勤










3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 22 Shopping Online and Offline 1,2,3


be buttonholed by





take the bull by the horns


drive someone up the wall

kvetch about

find fault with

whine about


Younger people are especially active in using online shopping and mobile devices to snare the best deals.

Net-savvy consumers are a breed apart from traditional shoppers.

Consumers and retailers alike are trying to figure out the smartest and most cost-effective ways to shop and get more bang for their buck.

Smart retailers are taking a two-pronged approach.

I know it really aggravates small retailers when people come into their store, see something they like and then use their smartphone to buy it online more cheaply from a big chain store.

They have a few tricks up their sleeve, like offering freebies that big online shopping sites can't.

There are conscientious consumers like me who like to support small businesses.

It's an uphill battle for the little guys.

★snare the best deal, 最良の取引をものにする、最も得な買い物をする


catch (a bird or mammal) in a snare:

catch or trap (someone)


★a breed apart from, ...と違うタイプの人、...とは別の存在


a sort or kind of person or thing:

ex) A new breed of entrepreneurs was brought into being 


★more bang for one's [the] buck, 出費以上の価値

<US><informal> value for money

ex) To me, short films are the best value and most bang for your buck.

★two-pronged approach, 2方面からの方法[アプローチ]

prong (noun)

each of separate parts of an attack or different positions:

ex) THe three main prongs the government's programme.


prongedはadjとしては[in combination]として次のような用例があります。

ex) a three-pronged attack

★aggravate, いらいらさせる、怒らせる

<informal> annoy or exasperate:

ex) Words I would never have dared to say to my father before, whenever he annoyed or aggravated me.

aggravateの第一の意味は、make worse or more serious です。

★have a few tricks up one's sleeve, 秘策をいくつか持っている

up one's sleeve

(of a strategy, idea, or resource) kept secret and in reserve for use when needed:

ex) He was new to the game but had a few tricks up his sleeve.

★conscientious, 良心的な、誠実な

wishing to do one's work or duty well and throughly:

ex) A conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously.

★uphill battle, 苦しい戦い、悪戦苦闘

<figurative> requiring great effort; difficult:

ex) An uphill struggle to gain worldwide recognition.


Younger people are especially active in using online shopping and mobile devices to snare the best deals.

Net-savvy consumers are a breed apart from traditional shoppers.

Consumers and retailers alike are trying to figure out the smartest and most cost-effective ways to shop and get more bang for their buck.

Smart retailers are taking a two-pronged approach.

I know it really aggravates small retailers when people come into their store, see something they like and then use their smartphone to buy it online more cheaply from a big chain store.

They have a few tricks up their sleeve, like offering freebies that big online shopping sites can't.

There are conscientious consumers like me who like to support small businesses.

It's an uphill battle for the little guys.


be buttonholed by, ...に引き止められて長話を聞かされる

windbag, おしゃべりな人

consummate, 完璧な、この上ない

diplomat, 外交家、駆け引き上手な人

forbearing, 辛抱強い、寛容な

take the bull by the horns, 難局に敢然と立ち向かう

blunt, 無遠慮な、ぶっきらぼうな、直接的な

drive someone up the wall, (人)を激怒させる

kvetch about, ...のことで不正[文句]ばかり言う

find fault with, ...のあら探しをする、...にけちをつける

whine about, ...のことで泣き言[愚痴]を言う 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年3月 3日 09:33に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 21 Silly Questions, Smart Answers 4,5,6★ウスカルフレーム」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 22 Shopping Online and Offline 4,5,6★オンラインショッピング」です。
