実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 1,2,3★AKBのメンバの丸刈り記事で英語を学ぶ


AKBのメンバの丸刈りが世界的ニュースになっているようで、BBCにも、AKB48 pop star shaves head after breaking band rules という記事になっています。これを機会にBBCを初めて読んでみたという若い方も多いことでしょう。


shave one's head 丸刈りにする

ex) A Japanese pop star has shaved her head

abide 我慢する

cardinal rule 鉄則

ex) Minegishi, 20, had failed to abide by its cardinal rule - no dating.

head shaving 丸刈り

contrition (犯した罪、悪業などについての)後悔、自責の念

ex) Head shaving is a traditional form of showing contrition in Japan.

AKB48 pop star shaves head after breaking band rules


3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 1,2,3




bottle up one's emotions



lose out on

drive someone up the wall

Talk about disrespect.


I'm one of those parents who bring their cell phones to their kids' soccer game so they can reach their teenager at home if need be.

That way I wasn't tempted to check my email all the time.

You didn't go cold turkey on email when you were in Florida, right?

I felt empowered by not having that email albatross around my neck all the time.

Kudos to you. I doubt whether I could pull off the same feat.

My wife and kids got on my case about my stubbornness at first, but they got into the spirit of things after a while.

I see more text-speak in business communications.

It's sloppy and disrespectful.

Using text-message lingo, emoticons, or shooting off a casually worded and often misspelled message from smartphone can blow your chances of winning a new customers, making a sale or getting a promotion.

It pays to check before you click.

In this changing world of digital communication, you've got to watch your new p's and q's.

★if need be, 必要であれば、必要になったときに

if necessary:

ex) The room is quite large, it happens to be fitted for at least two girls to spend the night in if need be.

★be tempted to, ...したくなる

have an urge or inclination to do something:

ex) I was tempted to look at my watch, but didn't dare.

★go cold turkey, いきなり[きっぱりと]やめる

cold turkey

the unpleasant state that drug addicts experience when they suddenly stop taking a drug; a way of treating drug addicts that makes them experience this state

★albatross around one's neck, 悩み[頭痛]の種、重荷


a source of frustration or guilt; an encumbrance (in allusion to Colerigde's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner):

ex) An albatross of a marriage

albatross アホウドリ

ヘザーさんの解説にもあったalbatross around one's neckの語源であるThe Rime of the Ancient Marinerという小説についてのwikipediaに、アホウドリを首に巻き付けた男の銅像の写真があります。

A statue of the Ancient Mariner, with the albatross around his neck 


★Kudos to you, すばらしいですね。あなたを賞賛します。


[mass noun] praise and honour received for an achievement.

kudosはギリシャ語でpraiseを意味します。複数形のように見えますがそうではありません。つまり、単数形のkudoという言葉はありません。複数形として使うのは間違いです。many kudosは間違い。much kudosが正しい。(オックスフォード英英辞典より)

★pull off, ...をうまくやり遂げる、...をうまくやってのける

<informal> succeed in achieving or winning something difficult:

ex) He pulled off a brilliant first round win.

★feat, 偉業、離れ業、芸当

an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength:

ex) The new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering.

★get on someone's case, (人)に文句を言う、(人)に口出しする

on (or off) someone's case

<informal> continually (or no longer) criticizing or harassing someone:

ex) He's on your case whenever you make a mistake in training.

★get into the spirit of things, 積極的に参加する、進んで楽しむ


FESTIVALS OF JAPAN: Get into the 'spirit' of things during Bon


Drink This! Get into the Spirit of things lol


Halloween happenings: Get into the spirit of things with these N.J. events


★text-speak, メール特有の表現、メール用語


forming nouns denoting a manner of speaking, characteristics of a specified field or group:

ex) technospeak

textese, text-message lingoも同じく、「メール用語」という意味です。

★sloppy, ずさんな、ぞんざいな、不まじめな、不謹慎な

careless and unsystematic; excessively casual:

ex) We gave away a goal through sloppy defending.

★blow someone's chance of, (人)の...のチャンスをふいにする


杉田先生の解説では、blow は「ふいにする」という意味で使われるそうです。

ヘザーさんの解説では、blow someone's top / blow one's top = lose one's temper / get vey angry 

★It pays to check before you click. クリックする前にチェックするといい。


(of a business, activity, or an attitude) be profitable or advantageous:

ex) Crime doesn't pay.

It pays to choose varieties carefully.

★Watch [Mind] your p's and q's, 礼儀[マナー]に気をつけなさい。

p = please, q= thank youです。



I'm one of those parents who bring their cell phones to their kids' soccer game so they can reach their teenager at home if need be.

That way I wasn't tempted to check my email all the time.

You didn't go cold turkey on email when you were in Florida, right?

I felt empowered by not having that email albatross around my neck all the time.

Kudos to you. I doubt whether I could pull off the same feat.

My wife and kids got on my case about my stubbornness at first, but they got into the spirit of things after a while.

I see more text-speak in business communications.

It's sloppy and disrespectful.

Using text-message lingo, emoticons, or shooting off a casually worded and often misspelled message from smartphone can blow your chances of winning a new customers, making a sale or getting a promotion.

It pays to check before you click.

In this changing world of digital communication, you've got to watch your new p's and q's.



truism, わかりきったこと、言うまでもないこと、自明の理

bottle up one's emotions, 感情を抑える、感情を押し殺す

touchy-feely, 感傷的な、お互いに触れ合って感じ合う 

coward, 臆病者、意気地なし、卑怯者

lose out on, ...を逃す、...を取り損なう

drive someone up the wall, (人)を激怒させる

Talk about disrespect. なんとも失礼な話だ。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年2月 2日 13:11に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 19 Teenager's Life Lessons at Work 4,5,6★初めてのデートの心得」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 4,5,6 ★ The Writers' Workshopに挑戦」です。
