実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 4,5,6 ★ The Writers' Workshopに挑戦


2月号のThe Writers' Workshop (ショーンコネリーのやつ)に挑戦し、無事、英訳ができました。


Writers' Workshopの難しさは、その日本語の解釈にあります。自由な雰囲気で書かれた日本語を直接、英訳しようとすると佐藤先生から注意されてしまいます。





3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 4,5,6


if need be

be tempted to

go cold turkey

albatross around one's neck

Kudos to you

pull off


get on someone's case

get into the spirit of things



blow someone's chance of

It pays to check before you click.

Watch [Mind] your p's and q's


An absolute no-no is sending email when you're angry - or intoxicated.

If you write something in the heat of the moment, you should take time to cool down and reread it to see whether it contains anything you'll later regret.

They can't convey facial expressions, vocal  inflection or body language.

The person on the receiving end can misinterpret your message as too harsh or critical.

You should never say or send anything you wouldn't want repeated or published in the company's in-house magazine.

People may not see any danger in their well-intended "funny" emails, but all too often the recipients misconstrue them.

Subtleties like irony and mild sarcasm are easily missed in a medium like email.

Sending the same email over and over again may make you appear too pushy or impatient.

If you don't receive a response after sending an email, don't be a pest.

★be intoxicated, (酒に)酔った、(我を忘れるほど)興奮している


[with obj.] (usu. as adj. intoxicated) (of alcoholic drink or a drug) cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behaviour:

ex) We don't allow people into sessions if they are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.


★in the heat of the moment, (一時の)興奮に駆られて、かっとして

while temporarily angry, excited, or engaged, and without stopping for thought:

ex) 'I think there's nothing more dangerous than adopting legislation in the heat of the moment,' he says.

★vocal inflection, 声の抑揚

[mass noun] the modulation of intonation or pitch in the voice:

ex) She spoke slowly and without inflection. 

★on the receiving end, 受け取る側で[の], 受信する側で[の]

be at (or on) the receiving end

<informal> be subjected to something:

ex) Those that have been on the receiving end of calls say the scam is being performed very professionally.

★repeat, 口外する

to tell someone something that you have heard or been told by someone else

ex) I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.


★well-intended, よかれと思ってなされた、善意の

well intentioned

having or showing good intentions despite a lack of success or fortunate results:

ex) Well-intentioned advice


★misconstrue, 誤解する

[with obj.] interpret (a person's words or actions) wrongly:

ex) My advice was deliberately misconstrued.

★subtlety, 微妙な点、微妙なニュアンス

[count noun] a subtle distinction, feature, or argument:

ex) Finns also listen very carefully and easily pick up subtleties and nuances.

★impatient, 短気な、せっかちな

having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked:

ex) An impatient motorist blaring his horn.

★be a pest, 手を焼かせる、相手を困らせる

<informal> an annoying person or thing; a nuisance:

ex) He was a real pest.


An absolute no-no is sending email when you're angry - or intoxicated.

If you write something in the heat of the moment, you should take time to cool down and reread it to see whether it contains anything you'll later regret.

They can't convey facial expressions, vocal  inflection or body language.

The person on the receiving end can misinterpret your message as too harsh or critical.

You should never say or send anything you wouldn't want repeated or published in the company's in-house magazine.

People may not see any danger in their well-intended "funny" emails, but all too often the recipients misconstrue them.

Subtleties like irony and mild sarcasm are easily missed in a medium like email.

Sending the same email over and over again may make you appear too pushy or impatient.

If you don't receive a response after sending an email, don't be a pest. 


if need be, 必要であれば、必要になったときに

be tempted to, ...したくなる

go cold turkey, いきなり[きっぱりと]やめる

albatross around one's neck, 悩み[頭痛]の種、重荷

Kudos to you, すばらしいですね。あなたを賞賛します。

pull off, ...をうまくやり遂げる、...をうまくやってのける

feat, 偉業、離れ業、芸当

get on someone's case, (人)に文句を言う、(人)に口出しする

get into the spirit of things, 積極的に参加する、進んで楽しむ

text-speak, メール特有の表現、メール用語

sloppy, ずさんな、ぞんざいな、不まじめな、不謹慎な

blow someone's chance of, (人)の...のチャンスをふいにする

It pays to check before you click. クリックする前にチェックするといい。

Watch [Mind] your p's and q's, 礼儀[マナー]に気をつけなさい。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年2月11日 10:30に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 20 Going Email-Free 1,2,3★AKBのメンバの丸刈り記事で英語を学ぶ」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 21 Silly Questions, Smart Answers 1,2,3★コンタクト+老眼鏡?」です。
