実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 19 Teenager's Life Lessons at Work 1,2,3 ★ニートの歩き方











ニートの歩き方 ――お金がなくても楽しく暮らすためのインターネット活用法
ニートの歩き方 ――お金がなくても楽しく暮らすためのインターネット活用法

3.実践ビジネス英語  2013/1 Lesson 19 Teenager's Life Lessons at Work 1,2,3 


renounce altogether



butt in front of


put someone in a foul mood

My emotions get the better of me.

be psyched up


I mean how you're all polite to the servers. It shows your good upbringing.

Behaving rudely to people like servers in a restaurant was a surefire way of torpedoing any chance of a second date.

Try to be kind to everyone: the secretary, the intern, the nerdy coworker.

One of my mom's favorite admonitions was never order the most expensive item on the menu.

"Never go for the surf and turf if you're not picking up the check" was her mantra.

My dad would always tell me to spruce up and try to look good when I was getting ready to go out on a big date.

Looking presentable is a sign of respect for your coworkers and clients.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but my mom constantly reminded me to be punctual.

At the risk of hogging the conversation, I'm reminded of the various pieces of advice my mom used to give me before I headed off to summer camp.

I've heard American summer camp can be a valuable formative experience.

Some of my happiest childhood memories come from those fun-filled, idyllic days I spent at Camp Canoemaker.

What tips did your mother give you before bundling you off to summer camp, Carmen?

★upbringing, しつけ、育ち

the treatment and instruction received by a child from parents throughout its childhood:

ex) She had had a Christian upbringing.

★torpedo, 粉砕する、台なしにする

destroy or ruin ( a plan or project):

ex) Fighting between the militias torpedoed peace talks.


★nerdy, さえない、ださい、まぬけな



<informal> a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious:

ex) How nerdy must she think I am, mentioning my blog straight off the bat.

★admonition, 忠告、注意


giving or conveying a warning or reprimand:

ex) Yet one of his subordinates and eventual successor, had experienced similar admonitions from a judge in 1994.

★mantra, (繰り返し口にする)スローガン[モットー、主張]

a statement or slogan repeated frequently:

ex) The environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap.

★spruce up, おしゃれをする、めかし込む

make someone or something smarter or tidier:

ex) The fund will be used to spruce up historic buildings.

★look presentable, 見苦しくない[きちんとした]身なりをしている


clean, smart, or decent enough to be seen in public:

ex) I did my best to make myself look presentable.

★no-brainer, 簡単なこと

<N. Amer.> <informal> something that requires or involves little or no mental effort:

ex) This is a no-brainer, but one of the biggest mistakes hikers make is not realizing the total length of the hikes they are on.

★hog, 独り占めする

<informal> take or use most of all of (something) in an unfair or selfish way:

ex) He never hogged the limelight.

名詞では、a domesticated pigです。

★formative experience, 自己形成の体験、人格形成に影響を与える体験


serving to form something, especially having a profound influence on a person's development:

ex) His formative years

★fun-filled, idylls, 楽しみに満ちて牧歌的な


like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque:

ex) An attractive hotel in an idyllic setting.


★bundle someone off to, (人)を...に送り込む


to send someone somewhere quickly without asking them if they want to go:



I mean how you're all polite to the servers. It shows your good upbringing.

Behaving rudely to people like servers in a restaurant was a surefire way of torpedoing any chance of a second date.

Try to be kind to everyone: the secretary, the intern, the nerdy coworker.

One of my mom's favorite admonitions was never order the most expensive item on the menu.

"Never go for the surf and turf if you're not picking up the check" was her mantra.

My dad would always tell me to spruce up and try to look good when I was getting ready to go out on a big date.

Looking presentable is a sign of respect for your coworkers and clients.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but my mom constantly reminded me to be punctual.

At the risk of hogging the conversation, I'm reminded of the various pieces of advice my mom used to give me before I headed off to summer camp.

I've heard American summer camp can be a valuable formative experience.

Some of my happiest childhood memories come from those fun-filled, idyllic days I spent at Camp Canoemaker.

What tips did your mother give you before bundling you off to summer camp, Carmen?


renounce altogether, すっかり放棄する

obnoxious, とても不愉快な、すごく嫌な

jerk, まぬけ、嫌なやつ

butt in front of, ...の前に割り込む

Pollyanna, 底抜けの楽天家

put someone in a foul mood, (人)を不機嫌にさせる

My emotions get the better of me. 自分の感情に負ける

be psyched up, 心構えができている

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年1月14日 16:13に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/12 Lesson 18 Money and Happiness 4,5,6★日本人は英語のここが聞き取れない」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/1 Lesson 19 Teenager's Life Lessons at Work 4,5,6★初めてのデートの心得」です。
