NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/26 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (4)★電子版テキスト★リバティ



古いビジ英のテキストを処分することにしました。もう見ることもありませんし。step in the 断捨離 direction です。



2. 英語に関するあれこれ

ここ2年半、フィリピンskype英会話のスカイトークをやっております。ずいぶんスピーキングに慣れました。スピーキングを伸ばしたい方にはお勧めします。詳しくは、★骨しゃぶの歩き方 9へ。





■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/26 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (4)


late-night carousing
weigh oneself
work out
endorphin buzz
hit the sack


Crash diets definitely aren't the way to go.

And as we all know, it's easy to put on the pounds when you've got a heavy business travel schedule like me.

So I have to be on my guard.

I try to stay active at the airport, instead of just parking myself in a chair near the departure gate.

One surefire way of gaining weight is to drink alcohol while flying.

You're preaching to the choir there.

★crash diet, 急激なダイエット


done rapidly or urgently and involving a concentrated effort:

ex) crash course in Italian

ex) But he also needs to take a crash course on the history of freedom.

★put on, (体重など)を増す

increase in body weight; become heavier by a specified amount:

ex) She'd given up her diet and put on 20 lb.

★be on one's guard, 注意している、警戒している

prepared for any contingency:

ex) Wine producers are constantly on guard against cheap imitations.  

★park oneself in a chair, いすに座る

park oneself

<informal> sit down:

ex) After dinner, we parked ourselves on a pair of couches.

★surefire, (方法などが)絶対確実な[きっとうまくいく]

<informal> certain to succeed:

ex) Bad behaviour is a sure-fire way of getting attention.

★preach to the choir, (相手にとって)わかりきったことを言う

preach to the converted

advocate something to people who already share one's convictions about its merits or importance:

ex) If you already have parts 1-4 of this series, then I am already preaching to the converted.


the way to go, 取るべき道、すべきこと


Crash diets definitely aren't the way to go.

And as we all know, it's easy to put on the pounds when you've got a heavy business travel schedule like me.

So I have to be on my guard.

I try to stay active at the airport, instead of just parking myself in a chair near the departure gate.

One surefire way of gaining weight is to drink alcohol while flying.

You're preaching to the choir there.


I stick with water. の stick with は stick by, stick to と同じ意味のようです。


late-night carousing, 深夜に飲んで騒ぐこと
weigh oneself, (自分の)体重を量る
work out, うまくいく、...という結果になる
endorphin buzz, エンドルフィンの快感
hit the sack, 寝る、ベッドに入る

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年10月 2日 19:38に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/21 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (3)★台風接近中★メルマガを英語で言うと?」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/27 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (5)★Wさんま★インド英語のリスニング」です。
