NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/5 Lesson 13 Endangered (3)★定額料金の罠★スティーブ・ジョブズ 英語で味わう魂の名言



2. 英語に関するあれこれ

「スティーブ・ジョブズ 英語で味わう魂の名言」という本を読んでいます。

Think Different,は、固定観念を打ち砕け、と訳されています。



なお、これは命令文のため、動詞+副詞、つまり Think Differently.であるべきところ、形容詞であるdifferentを使っているところも固定観念を打ち砕けと言っているようだというくだりはなるほどと思いました。


スティーブ・ジョブズ 英語で味わう魂の名言 (PHPビジネス新書)
スティーブ・ジョブズ 英語で味わう魂の名言 (PHPビジネス新書)

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/5 Lesson 13 Endangered (3)


be swamped
come to think of it
fall by the wayside
go the way of the dodo
That's for sure.
That's a real shame.
There's nothing like


Sorry for sticking my nose in, but hearing you guys talk about endangered American institutions reminds me of what I saw when I went to Chicago on business last week.

I saw far fewer traditional neighborhood taverns than in the past.

The story is that it used to be one of Al Capone's hangouts.

Local drinking holes in Chicago like MacGuffin's are being squeezed out by economic pressures, gentrification, changing tastes and stricter city bylaws that make it harder to run a bar or pub in residential areas.

You'd think with that kind of notoriety it wouldn't have any trouble pulling in customers.

My American friends have taken me to some old-style taverns, and I really liked their homey, colorful atmosphere.  

★stick one's nose in 余計な口出しをする

<informal> take an intrusive interest in

poke one's nose inも同じです。

ex)  That'll teach him to go poking his nose into other people's business.

★neighborhood tavern, 近所[地元]の酒場

chiefly <archaic> or <N. Amer.> an inn or public house:

ex) A four-hour course and a booklet offered to restaurants, bars, taverns and sundry drinking.

★hangout, 行きつけの場所、たまり場

<informal> a place one lives in or frequently visits:

ex) In an effort to reach out to such youngsters, in 1994 members of the committee took the initiative to pay frequent visits to teen hang-outs.

★be squeezed out, 廃業[中止]に追い込まれる、締め出される

[with obj.] (squeeze someone/thing out) 

force someone or something out of an activity or post:

ex) Workers have been squeezed out of their jobs.

★gentrification, 貧困地区の高級住宅化

gentrify の名詞形

[with obj.] renovate and improve (a house or district) so that it conforms to middle-class taste:

ex) As a result, the artworks became enmeshed in the redevelopment and gentrification that is sweeping Istanbul, as it is so many other cities around the world. 

★city bylaw, 市の条例


<Brit> a regulation made by a local authority or corporation:

ex) In the peculiar circumstances of  this case, I find that a case has not been made to deny the directions their right to enforce the by-laws of the corporation.

★notoriety, (特に悪いことで)有名であること、悪名

notoriuos の名詞形

famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed:

ex) The obese relative had earned notoriety for his aversion to exercise before death consumed him.

★pull in, (観衆などを)引きつける、(利益、金などを)得る、獲得する

pull something/thing in

succeed in securing or obtaining something:

ex) His notoriety pulled in enough votes - more than 52,000 - to secure a ballot line in future elections.


★homey, (ホテル、レストランなど)家庭的な

chiefly <N. Amer.> (of a place or surroundings) comfortable and cosy:

ex) But it was a very homey place, a very comfortable place.


the story is that, ...という話がある


Sorry for sticking my nose in, but hearing you guys talk about endangered American institutions reminds me of what I saw when I went to Chicago on business last week.

I saw far fewer traditional neighborhood taverns than in the past.

The story is that it used to be one of Al Capone's hangouts.

Local drinking holes in Chicago like MacGuffin's are being squeezed out by economic pressures, gentrification, changing tastes and stricter city bylaws that make it harder to run a bar or pub in residential areas.

You'd think with that kind of notoriety it wouldn't have any trouble pulling in customers.

My American friends have taken me to some old-style taverns, and I really liked their homey, colorful atmosphere.  




be swamped, 忙殺される、猛烈に忙しい
come to think of it, そういえば、考えてみると
fall by the wayside, 途中でだめになる、挫折する
correspondence, 通信文、書状、手紙
treasure, 大事にとっておく、大切にする
go the way of the dodo, 絶滅[消滅]する、廃れる
That's for sure. その通りです。
That's a real shame. 本当に残念なことです。
There's nothing like, ...に勝るものはない。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年10月14日 10:07に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/4 Lesson 13 Endangered (2)★to the point where ★listening 再び」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/10 Lesson 13 Endangered (4)★ジム復活★英語が聞き取れない本当の理由とは?」です。
