NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/4 Lesson 13 Endangered (2)★to the point where ★listening 再び



今日の会社の英語会議で、to the point where というフレーズが聞き取れました。

これってLesson12 (2) reach the point whereですよねー。


2. 英語に関するあれこれ



■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/4 Lesson 13 Endangered (2)


pull someone's leg
go out for a bite
endangered list
sad to say
take a break from
catch up on


Good point, but I'm swamped.

Come to think of it, lunch hour isn't the only American institution on the endangered list.

Many things that we long took for granted are falling by the wayside.

That's for sure. And as the volume of correspondence sent by regular mail declines, the U.S. Postal Service is under increasing economic pressure.

I treasure the letters I received from my grandmother when I was a little boy.

It looks like snail mail is going the way of the dodo.

That's a real shame. A letter is something that can be touched and saved.

There's nothing like getting a letter from a friend or relative you haven't heard from in a while.

★be swamped, 忙殺される、猛烈に忙しい

overwhelm with an excessive amount of something; inundate:

ex) The country was swamped with goods from abroad.

★come to think of it, そういえば、考えてみると

on reflection (said when an idea or point occurs to one while one is speaking):

ex) I'm not sure that reading his diary is such a great idea after all, come to think of it.

★fall by the wayside, 途中でだめになる、挫折する

fail to persist in an endeavour or undertaking:

ex) Many readers will fail by the wayside as the terminology becomes more complicated.

★correspondence, 通信文、書状、手紙

letters sent or received:

ex) His wife dealt with his private correspondence.

★treasure, 大事にとっておく、大切にする

[with obj.] keep carefully ( a valuable or valued item):

ex) He remembered always treasuring it, and never wearing it, afraid it would be damaged.


go the way of the dodo, 絶滅[消滅]する、廃れる

That's for sure. その通りです。

That's a real shame. 本当に残念なことです。

There's nothing like, ...に勝るものはない。


Good point, but I'm swamped.

Come to think of it, lunch hour isn't the only American institution on the endangered list.

Many things that we long took for granted are falling by the wayside.

That's for sure. And as the volume of correspondence sent by regular mail declines, the U.S. Postal Service is under increasing economic pressure.

I treasure the letters I received from my grandmother when I was a little boy.

It looks like snail mail is going the way of the dodo.

That's a real shame. A letter is something that can be touched and saved.

There's nothing like getting a letter from a friend or relative you haven't heard from in a while.




pull someone's leg, (人)をからかう、(人)をかつぐ
institution, (古くから社会にある)制度、習慣、伝統
go out for a bite, 食事に出かける
endangered list, 絶滅危惧種リスト、消滅の危機にあるもののリスト
sad to say, 残念ながら
take a break from, ...を一休みする、...を中断して休憩を取る
catch up on, ...の遅れ[不足]を取り戻す、(新しい情報など)に精通する

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年10月12日 21:41に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/3 Lesson 13 Endangered (1)★2HFY12 has started. ★世界一わかりやすい 英語の勉強法に学ぶ基礎訓練の重要性」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/10/5 Lesson 13 Endangered (3)★定額料金の罠★スティーブ・ジョブズ 英語で味わう魂の名言」です。
