NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/20 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (2)★「英語ってどうやったらうまくなるのでしょうか」という質問はなぜダメか?★実践ビジネス英語を聞いているだけという方にお勧めしたい手っ取り早い勉強法







2. 英語に関するあれこれ



(1) ボスマスター(トークマスターで有名なサン電子の製品で据え置き型のもの)を使い放送を予約録音。木曜日からメルマガ執筆開始。同時に穴埋め問題を1日あたり数問作成。

(2) 放送の翌週から前の週の音読を開始します。

(3) 朝、出勤前、パンが焼けるまでの13分間、指定ビニエットを5回音読(実際は13分では収まらない)。

(4) 夜、帰宅後、穴埋め問題を実施。作成後数日経っているので問題自体は覚えていません。自己採点し、間違えたら、さらに5回音読。

(5) facebookのグループに問題を投稿(午後10時から11時くらい)。次の日に音読するビニエットを指定します。




こんな音読マラソン、参加したい方はメルマガの下の方の★骨しゃぶの歩き方 4へ!


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/20 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (2)


fit as a fiddle
as trim and healthy as eve
put something down to
clean living
shed the pounds
get off one's butt
the Fountain of Youth
That's a new one on me.
personal fitness regime
head out to


The trend toward gargantuan megameals has gotten out of hand.

One way I keep a tight rein on the size of my portions is to remind myself that a 3-ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of the palm of my hand or a deck of cards.

Anything bigger than that is off-limits.

Another one that's helped me keep my weight gain in check is "Pace, don't race."

I make a concerted effort to eat more slowly and savor each bite.

That helps your digestion and cuts down on your overall food intake.

★gargantuan, 巨大な、とてつもなく多い


ex) A gargantuan appetite

★get out of hand, 手に負えなくなる、収集がつかなくなる

out of hand

not under control:

ex) The wild flowers are getting a bit out of hand and I've had to do a little selective pruning.

★keep a tight rein on, ...を厳しく管理[制限、抑制]する

exercise strict control over:

ex) He only chance of survival was to keep a tight rein on her feelings.

★poultry, 家禽(かきん)の肉、鳥肉

[mass noun] domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese:

ex) Frozen turkeys or other poultry must always be thawed fully before cooking.

★a deck of cards, 一組のトランプ


<N. Amer.> <informal> a pack of cards:

ex) The virtual deck of cards is shuffled randomly, and the top cards off the deck are dealt. 


★off-limits, タブーの、許されない

(of a place) not to be entered; out of bounds:

ex) The site was off-limits to the public.

★keep something in check, (もの、こと)を抑える[コントロールする]

in check

under control

out of hand ( = not under control ) のちょうど反対の意味ですね。

ex) The move is designed to keep house price inflation and borrowing in check.

★make a concerted effort to, 懸命に...する努力をする


done with great effort or determination:

ex) 'The Empire State Building is making a concerted effort to reclaim some of its past glory,' said David Hoffman, executive managing director of Colliers.


★savor each bite, 一口一口をゆっくり味わう、よくかんで十分に味わう


[with obj.] taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full:

ex) Slow down your eating, savor your food, and enjoy sharing life with family and friends.

★digestion, 消化

[mass noun] the process of digesting food:

ex) You need water for all bodily process, including digestion, waste excretion, circulation and even breathing.

excretion 排出、排泄




The trend toward gargantuan megameals has gotten out of hand.

One way I keep a tight rein on the size of my portions is to remind myself that a 3-ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of the palm of my hand or a deck of cards.

Anything bigger than that is off-limits.

Another one that's helped me keep my weight gain in check is "Pace, don't race."

I make a concerted effort to eat more slowly and savor each bite.

That helps your digestion and cuts down on your overall food intake.


最初の文章で、 much of と so that はなにげにあれっと思いました。


fit as a fiddle, とても元気で、ぴんぴんして
as trim and healthy as ever, 変わらず体が引き締まって健康な
vibrant, 活気に満ちた、元気いっぱいの、活発な
put something down to, (もの、こと)を...のせいにする[おかげだと思う]
clean living, 清く正しい生活
shed the pounds, 体重を落とす
get off one's butt, さっさと取りかかる、ぐずぐずせずにやる
the Fountain of Youth, 青春の泉
That's a new one on me. それは初耳ですね。
personal fitness regime, 自分なりの健康法
head out to, ...に向かう

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年9月27日 19:40に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/19 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (1)★杉田先生の講演会「英語を駆使することで見えてくる世界」★日本人の9割に英語はいらない  成毛眞 (著) 」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/21 Lesson 12 Losing Weight (3)★台風接近中★メルマガを英語で言うと?」です。
