NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/12 Lesson 11 Brand Ambassadors in Action (4) ★明け方の気温低下に注意★ @May_Roma さんの「お金をかけずに英語を学ぶ方法」にビジ英がっ!!




2. 英語に関するあれこれ

twitterで現在絶賛活躍中の英国在住の @May_Roma さんが「お金をかけずに英語を学ぶ方法」というブログをポストをされています。ここでお勧めされてあるのがなんと我らが実践ビジネス英語なのです。




■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/9/12 Lesson 11 Brand Ambassadors in Action (4) 


That's not chump change.
under-25 set
pure gold
shoot for
keep on top of


H&B tries to hire popular students who are involved in athletics, music, fraternities or sororities.

They've got the kind of credibility that can give our brand cachet in ways a TV or print ad campaign could never do.

Some of their hires have gone for the hard sell, including spamming their friends.

They think such tactics help get the company's message across, but they actually hurt its image.

Hiring student brand ambassadors must be cost-effective, compared with the conventional strategy of spending oodles of cash to hire big-name celebrities to tout things.

★fraternity/sorority, 学生社交クラブ


<N. Amer,> a male students' society in a university or college:

ex) Locally, businesses and Iowa State University fraternities and sororities also contributed.

a group of people sharing a common profession or interests:

ex) Members of the hunting fraternity


<N. Amer. > a society for female students in a university or college:

★cachet, 名声、高い社会的地位

[mass noun] the state of being respected or admired; prestige:

ex) No other shipping company had quite the cachet of Cunard.

★go for the hard sell, 強引な売り込み[販売]方法を取る

hard sell

(often the hard sell) a policy or technique of aggressive salesmanship or advertising:

ex) They invited 1,000 participants and gave them the hard sell.

★get someone's message across, (人)のメッセージを伝える、(人)の考えを理解させる

get the message

<informal> understand what is implied by a remark or action:

ex) It is sometimes very difficult to get the message across without them and planting trees is an easily understood method.

★oodles of cash, 大金


<informal> a very great number of amount of something:

ex) If only I had oodles of cash.

★tout, 売り込む、大げさに宣伝する

attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct or persistent approach:

ex) Sanjay was touting his wares.




H&B tries to hire popular students who are involved in athletics, music, fraternities or sororities.

They've got the kind of credibility that can give our brand cachet in ways a TV or print ad campaign could never do.

Some of their hires have gone for the hard sell, including spamming their friends.

They think such tactics help get the company's message across, but they actually hurt its image.

Hiring student brand ambassadors must be cost-effective, compared with the conventional strategy of spending oodles of cash to hire big-name celebrities to tout things.


Some of their hires have gone for the hard sell, including spamming their friends. の hire は、

<N. Amer.> a recently recruited employee:

ex) New hires go through six months of training



strapped, 金に困っている
That's not chump change. それはばかにできない[相当な]金額だ。
under-25 set, 25歳未満の人たち
pure gold, 純金、とてもすばらしい人、非常に貴重なもの[こと]
shoot for, ...を目指す、...をねらう
keep on top of, ...を把握している

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