NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/30 Lesson 10 Drawn to China (5)★目玉焼きトースト★骨しゃぶの歩き方 8  杉田先生のHP






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★骨しゃぶの歩き方 8 です。



2012/02/03(Fri) 17:30:03

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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/30 Lesson 10 Drawn to China (5)


have ... in common
at the risk of stating the obvious
for that matter
sink or swim
deter someone from
hard going
come to grips with
play out


I was involved in a pioneering microfinance project.

It connects online donors worldwide with borrowers in the village where I stayed who want to raise sheep, grow cash crops or pursue other money-making plans.

My background in business really came in handy, and I learned so much about the local people.

In my case, the villagers learned valuable business skills through our microfinance project.

That's why executive search companies are seeing a huge increase in unsolicited resumes from Americans looking for China-based positions.

China's the place to be for young people who want to expand their horizons.

pioneering, 先駆的な、先駆けとなる
involving new ideas or methods:

ex) His pioneering work on consciousness.

cash crop, 換金作物、商品作物
a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower:

ex) An excellent example of the benefits is cocoa, a critical cash crop for small farmers in many tropical nations.

come in handy, 役に立つ、重宝する
<informal> turn out to be useful:

ex) The sort of junk that might come in handy one day.

単なるusefulではなく turn out to be useful というところに、あとになって便利だとわかる、というニュアンスが含まれているのでしょうか。ロングマンでは be useful となっていますが、ケンブリッジでは to be useful at some time in the future とあります。
microfinance, 小規模金融、マイクロファイナンス
s system that allows in poor countries to borrow small amounts of money to help them start a small business. ログマン

unsolicited, (頼みもしないのに)勝手に送られてくる
not asked for; given or done voluntarily:

ex) And studios mostly don't steal ideas from unsolicited scripts that come in, because if you do that you do get sued.

expand one's horizons, 視野を広げる

(often horizons) the limit of a person's knowledge, experience, or interest:

ex) She wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons.


the place to be, 格好の場所


I was involved in a pioneering microfinance project.

It connects online donors worldwide with borrowers in the village where I stayed who want to raise sheep, grow cash crops or pursue other money-making plans.

My background in business really came in handy, and I learned so much about the local people.

In my case, the villagers learned valuable business skills through our microfinance project.

That's why executive search companies are seeing a huge increase in unsolicited resumes from Americans looking for China-based positions.

China's the place to be for young people who want to expand their horizons.




have ... in common, ...を共通して持っている、...の共通点がある
urge, (特に、持続的で本能的な)強い衝動
at the risk of stating the obvious, わかりきったことを言うようですが
for that matter, (それについて)さらに言えば
sink or swim, のるかそるか、一か八(ばち)か、成功しようと失敗しようと
use, 効用、有益性(usefulness)、効果(advantage, good)
deter someone from, (人)に...をやめさせる
Orient, 東洋
hard going, 厳しい状況
come to grips with, ...に取り組む、...に対処し始める
marketable, 市場性のある、需要[商品価値]の高い
play out, (状況などが)展開[進展]する

月別 アーカイブ


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