NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/8 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (4) ★360度フィードバックを考える★海外赴任を経験した書店員が推奨! 今役立つ英語学習本10冊



ビニエットではPaul Pearsonは優秀すぎるが故にそこが弱点になるという事で、



2. 英語に関するあれこれ

「海外赴任を経験した書店員が推奨! 今役立つ英語学習本10冊」という特集が



『英文法解説 (改訂3版)』これは、改訂版を持っています。けっこう詳しいです。


『iPhone英語勉強法  スキマ時間で英語力を上げる55の技』も持っています。


プロの書店員厳選! 2012年夏休みに読むべき本50冊


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/8 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (4)


plus, その上
be wont to
hoary cliche
control freak
speak for
direct report
make oneself available
toxic boss


You hit the nail right on the head.

That's the one glaring weakness I see in him.

Paul would probably be the first person to admit that he suffers from
that shortcoming.

I think you're right on that score.

Paul is a straight shooter.

When taking part in the survey, it's vitally important to be honest.

One exec I know found out just how true that timeworn proverb is
when he was the subject of a 360 review a while back.

Brian is a great manager with an enviable list of career achievements.

Executives usually reveal their 360 feedback only to their closest lieutenants,
but Brian shared his results with all his coworkers.

His candor and determination to heed the feedback he'd  received
eventually landed him a bigger role in the company.


hit the nail right on the head, 的を射たことを言う、図星である、核心を突く
If someone makes a comment and you say that they have hit
the nail on the head, you mean that they have described
a situation or problem exactly.

ex) I agree with Dr Carey, everything he says. I think he's
hit the nail right on the head.

2010/9/3 Office Politics (3)  にも出ました。

glaring weakness, 明らかな弱点

If you describe something bad as glaring, you are emphasizing
that it is very obvious and easily seen or noticed.

ex) I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentaion.

2012/6/7 Workplace Blunders (2) と、
2009/7/31 Working Poor (3) で出ました。

suffer from, 弱点がある
if someone suffers an unpleasant or difficult experience, or is in a difficult 
situation, it happens to them or they experience it

ex) London employers were suffering from a desperate shortage of school-leavers.

be right on that score, その点では正しい
on that score

concerning the particular thing you have just mentioned:

ex) As for the cost, you don't need to worry on that score.

straight shooter, 正直な人、まじめ人間
One who is honest and forthright.

hip shooter 思いつきで行動する人、口の軽いやつ
a person who acts or talks in a rash, impetuous way

vitally important, 極めて重要な
in a very important or necessary way:

ex) A sensible diet is vitally important if you want to remain in good health.

timeworn, 使い古した、古くさい、陳腐な
time-worn ideas and beliefs are no longer sensible or useful:

ex) time-worn prejudices

subject, 被験者、(調査などの)対象者
a person or animal that is used in a test or experiment:

ex) The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-35.

enviable, うらましい(ほどの)、人もうらやむ
an enviable quality, position, or possession is good and other people would like 
to have it:

ex) Now he was in the enviable position of not having to work for a living.

lieutenant, 副官、補佐(役)、身近な部下、懐刀
someone who does work for, or in place of, someone in a higher position [= deputy]

candor, 率直さ、正直(に話すこと)
the quality of being honest and telling the truth, even when the truth may be 
unpleasant or embarrassing

ex) She spoke with candour about her life.

2009/6/19 Anger Management (3) で出ました。 

heed, ...に気を付ける、傾聴する
to pay attention to someone's advice or warning:

ex) If she had only heeded my warnings, none of this would have happened.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


You hit the nail right on the head.

That's the one glaring weakness I see in him.

Paul would probably be the first person to admit that he suffers from
that shortcoming.

I think you're right on that score.

Paul is a straight shooter.

When taking part in the survey, it's vitally important to be honest.

One exec I know found out just how true that timeworn proverb is
when he was the subject of a 360 review a while back.

Brian is a great manager with an enviable list of career achievements.

Executives usually reveal their 360 feedback only to their closest lieutenants,
but Brian shared his results with all his coworkers.

His candor and determination to heed the feedback he'd  received
eventually landed him a bigger role in the company.


land a jobはよく出てきますね。


nuanced, (微妙な)ニュアンスのある、繊細な
portrait, 人物像、描写
plus, その上
approachable, 親しみやすい、気さくな
be wont to, 決まって...する、よく...する
hoary cliche, 陳腐な決まり文句、言い古された表現
micromanager, (必要以上に)細かく管理[統制]するマネージャー
control freak, 周囲をことごとくコントロールしようとする人、仕切りたがる人
speak for, 代弁する
direct report, 直属の部下
make oneself available, 都合をつける、時間を取る、(相手に)応じる
toxic boss, いやな上司

月別 アーカイブ


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