NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/3 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (3)★トータルリコールとプロメテウス★アメリカ大使館主催: コミュニティ・フレンドシップ・デー2012 ~Community Friendship Day~




大きな白い人はなぜあんな感じなのか、、、 結局人類を作ったのは誰、、、


2. 英語に関するあれこれ


アメリカ大使館主催: コミュニティ・フレンドシップ・デー2012 ~Community Friendship Day~

開催日     2012年8月25日(土) 雨天決行
時間     11:00~17:30
地域      関東・甲信越
会場     アメリカ大使館宿舎
住所     東京都港区六本木2-1-1
参加費     1100円
定員     5000人
締切     チケットがなくなり次第終了。


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/3 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (3)


to name just a few
seasoned executive
put someone's mind at ease
rake someone over the coals
performance appraisal
from the outset


That way we can put together a balanced, nuanced portrait of him.

Plus he always makes himself available and is approachable when we need his help.

Yes, Paul is wont to say.

That's a hoary cliche, but in his case it's true.

He's not a micromanager like some control freaks I've worked under in the past.

I can't speak for other people, but I can't find anything wrong with Paul's leadership style.

The survey forms have been sent to a dozen of Paul's higher-ups, peers,
direct reports and even outside agency people.

He's quite demanding and expects your best efforts, but he's not a toxic boss.


nuanced, (微妙な)ニュアンスのある、繊細な

a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc

nuanced (adjective)

ex) a skillful and nuanced performance

portrait, 人物像、描写
a description or representation of something

ex) a portrait of working life in America

plus, その上
used to add more information:

ex) He's been studying hard for exams. Plus he's been working in a bar at night.


approachable, 親しみやすい、気さくな
friendly and easy to talk to

ex) The head teacher is very approachable.

be wont to, 決まって...する、よく...する
be wont to do something

to be likely to do something

hoary cliche, 陳腐な決まり文句、言い古された表現

a hoary joke, remark etc is so well-known that people no longer find it amusing 
or interesting:

ex) Not that hoary old chestnut (=old idea, joke, remark etc) again.

micromanager, (必要以上に)細かく管理[統制]するマネージャー

to organize and control all the details of another person's work in a way that 
they think is annoying

名詞形 micromanagement

control freak, 周囲をことごとくコントロールしようとする人、仕切りたがる人
someone who always wants to control situations and other people

speak for, 代弁する
speak for somebody/something

To express the feelings, thoughts, or beliefs of a person or group of people:

ex) Dan, speaking for the students, started the meeting.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
direct report, 直属の部下
make oneself available, 都合をつける、時間を取る、(相手に)応じる
toxic boss, いやな上司

That way we can put together a balanced, nuanced portrait of him.

Plus he always makes himself available and is approachable when we need his help.

Yes, Paul is wont to say.

That's a hoary cliche, but in his case it's true.

He's not a micromanager like some control freaks I've worked under in the past.

I can't speak for other people, but I can't find anything wrong with Paul's leadership style.

The survey forms have been sent to a dozen of Paul's higher-ups, peers,
direct reports and even outside agency people.

He's quite demanding and expects your best efforts, but he's not a toxic boss.


1行目のwho isは単数が普通だそうです。

be wont to は書き言葉だそうです。



to name just a few, 少しだけ例を挙げれば
seasoned executive, 経験豊かなエグゼクティブ
presumptuous, 僭越な、生意気な、厚かましい
put someone's mind at ease, (人)を安心させる
rake someone over the coals, (人)を非難する[叱りつける、懲らしめる]
performance appraisal, 業績評価、勤務評定
from the outset, 最初から

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年8月21日 23:08に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/2 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (2)★Siri★日本語訛りの英語」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/8/8 Lesson 9 360-Degree Feedback (4) ★360度フィードバックを考える★海外赴任を経験した書店員が推奨! 今役立つ英語学習本10冊」です。
